3 Steps High Achievers Use to Take 100% Responsibility for Their Life Experiences
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can with what you have, where you are.”
In other words, if you want something in your life, it’s up to you.
The truth is that you are 100% responsible for the experience you’re having in your life. This doesn’t mean that you’re 100% responsible for everything that’s going on in the world. However, when you understand that the success you want in your life is actually up to you, your life will change. Life isn’t happening TO you, and you’re not a victim of your circumstances.
Whatever success means to you personally, it may surprise you to know that the only thing standing between you and the life you want to live is your mindset. That’s good news, because it means that you have the power to shift your thinking and create the life and success you desire.
Success doesn’t just magically occur for a select few lucky individuals.
You have the ability to succeed if you adopt a success mindset, let go of limiting beliefs about success who you are and how things occur. Those limiting beliefs create blocks between yourself and the results you’d really love.
When you completely let go of your limiting beliefs and take a daily action step, all kinds of doors will open for you.
How to Overcome Fear, Limitations, & Procrastination
Read the eBook: Stronger Than Circumstance
Three tips on how to be successful in life and transform desires into results
So here’s an important question for you: What would you love in your life?
When you find the answer, know that it’s okay to want that.
Your deepest desires are holy. Life is seeking a freer, fuller, expanded version of itself by means of itself.
It’s up to you to notice what you’d really want in your life. It’s also up to you to take steps that make welcome what it is that you’d love in your life.
1. Use your imagination.
Call upon your imagination to think in terms of specifics. What’s important to you? Then write it down.
If you keep breathing for 365 more days, you’re going to have results in four areas of your life one year from now. So, when you write down your goals, you strengthen the image of your goals in your mind, which helps you to communicate more effectively with the Infinite side of your nature. This will help you generate more ideas for HOW to bring about your dream or goal.
2. Notice your longing and discontent.
Your feelings of longing and discontent are two sacred signals from your soul. If you long for something, you want something to shift or change in your life. Feeling discontent shows up in a form of dissatisfaction with your current circumstances.
You may say things like, “I’m tired of being stressed about money,” or “I hate going to bed alone every night.”
Once you have written down your goals and looked closely at the two signals of longing and discontent, then do what you can with what you have, from where you are. You can only control a very small part of your life, but you CAN control who you choose to be every single minute of every day.
So how you can you be a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday?
Notice the big and small opportunities for success in your life in each moment.
How can you be a better version of yourself during each encounter with your spouse, child or colleague?
How can you create moments of success throughout the day?
The truth is that you have been wired for success.
Life is seeking to bring a more successful version of itself into existence, and you’re part of that.
There’s a sacred power that called you into being, and it empowered you by giving you its sacred name, which is “I am.” And in the absence of awareness, many people will lay that “I am” power on the altar of limitation, of self rejection.
They may say to themselves, “I’m the person who never gets it right,” or “It works out for other people, but not for me.” So, notice the words you use indiscriminately. Words have power!
You also have power. And you can wait for the perfect time, person or circumstance to show up to help you, but you’re going to end up postponing taking action on your goals and dreams.
3. Hit the refresh button.
You’re not alone. There’s a power within you that’s breathing you and seeking success. This power sends you signals of longing and discontent so you can create an image of what you would really love in your life.
Once you use your imagination to think of what you’d love, write it down, and listen to your longing and discontent. Then hold the image you’ve created in your mind. Believe that the power of love knows how to bring your dream about. Practice bringing love into your daily life and do what you can, from where you are, with what you have, and make today a success moment by moment.
When you focus on taking 100% responsibility to build success one moment at a time, before you know it, you’ll turn around and see that you’ve had a successful week, and then a successful month, and eventually, a successful year. Success is something that’s in you right now and it’s as unique as your fingerprint or your soul print.
So, if you ever have a moment that you forget, become distracted or feel that you’re not moving in the direction of success, all you have to do is hit the refresh button and start over.
So what’s one thing you could do today to take responsibility for your own success? Maybe you could speak to your child differently, or shift the way you’re thinking about something? Would you watch a different show on TV, or read a new book?
Most of us desire success.
We are, after all, growth-seeking beings – this is just the way we’re designed!
While many of us desire success in the form of more money or material wealth, not one of us wants to be wealthy in one area of our lives, but bankrupt in another.
If you have a ton of money in the bank for example, but you’re bankrupt in the area of your relationships or your health, is that really true success?
The secret to true fulfillment is to create success and abundance in all areas of your life. And how to create this for yourself is exactly what you’ll discover on my FREE groundbreaking online workshop!
The first paragraph needs to be corrected to read ‘Theodore’ Roosevelt, not ‘theater’.
Thank you 🙂 Fixed.
I resonate with almost what you say. I hope to receive money to join your full course and benefit. Thank you
Hello my name isDonna my life is so messed up right now and I don’t know where to begin are have the energy to try. I’m 2 years from retirement but I’m only 56 I want so bad to have a better life than what I have now, I have no support at home, I need a side hustle to continue to save for when I do retire but I’m not sure I want to be married anymore we are like roommates it’s driving me crazy any advice would be appreciated thank you