The easiest way to master the art of mindset transformation and start achieving your goals
How many times have you told yourself you were going to do something to improve your life…
But then months or years pass by without much actually changing?
I’ve been there… and it’s easy to get down on yourself! It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the problem is you.
What if the problem isn’t you?
What if you just haven’t had the support or awareness to change the part of you that governs how much success you experience in life?
That part of you is your “mindset.”
Most people think they understand the concept of mindset, but very few people consciously create their own. It’s something that’s installed for us as we grow up. We learn what we believe about the world and ourselves by observing the way our caretakers live their lives.
That foundation is expanded by our friends and family, our culture, the media, and even what we learn in school.
Before long, we have a pretty solid mindset about who we can be and what we can do.
Eventually, we may start to notice that others seem to have more success, freedom, and fun than we’ve been having.
We wonder if we can also have more freedom, fun and success too!
So, we set a goal and try our best to attain it…
But more often than not, we find ourselves stuck in the same place.
It’s as if there’s an upper limit to how much we can experience…
Much like the setting on a thermostat that keeps a room from getting too hot or too cold.
How Do You Shift Your Mindset?
If your mindset was created through your experiences and observations when you were young, how do you turn UP that thermostat to success?
First, release yourself from the past. No matter how many times you’ve failed, how many times you’ve given up, or had to start over…
Take a deep breath and say to yourself,“That was then, but this is now.”
Next, identify some goal you’ve been trying to attain, whether a relationship, health, or career goal.
Then consider this:
The value of any goal isn’t found in the attainment of the goal (although that’s nice)…
It’s found in the growth that happens within you as you stretch toward what you want to achieve.
Develop a Growth Mindset to Support the Results You Want
Changing the mindset we’ve formed over a lifetime of experiences and memories can feel challenging…
And this is where so many people get stuck in a fixed mindset, without even realizing it!
They might believe that some growth and change is possible, but they leave certain things out…
They end up excluding certain attributes or dreams from the growth they believe is possible. They might say or think things like: “
- “I can get a new job, but probably not that one.”
- “My life is good, but I’ll never be able to get in shape because of my genetics.”
- “I always have enough money, just nothing extra.”
- “I’m doing fine, but everything is always hard.”
- “I can learn new things, but nothing really changes anything in the long term.”
People with a growth mindset are in the day to day practice of challenging the stagnant corners of their mindsets. That includes the “Yes, but…” beliefs that can sneakily keep them stuck.
If you aren’t sure how to find those beliefs that might be impacting your mindset, try this:
Imagine how it might look and feel to achieve your goals. Be as specific as possible as you picture the future you want to create, and notice what comes up. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that come to the surface.
Most likely, there’s a voice inside of you, ready with all the reasons you can’t have what you want. I call this your “upper limit.”
This voice represents the beliefs that keep your thermostat stuck, set to your “comfort zone.” This voice keeps you living the life you’ve been living, even though you want more. It convinces you that the future you want is out of reach, too costly, or that you should be grateful for what you have.
We all have these thoughts and beliefs that are counter to our dreams and goals. So what can we do?
Your power over these thoughts and feelings lies in how you choose to respond to them. Changing the way you engage with them begins with choosing the words you use.
Changing your words will change your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will change your feelings. And together, they can shape a new mindset.
At the moment you notice that voice telling you why you can’t, choose different words. Pick a statement that is more true and more in line with the future you want to create. Declare it to yourself. Claim it.
Here are a few examples you can borrow anytime you need:
- “Even in the face of challenges, I have resources and problem solving skills I can rely on. I am more powerful and have more potential than any circumstance, situation, or condition.”
- “Even though I’ve tried to achieve this goal before and failed, that was then and this is now. I am learning every day. This is what it looks like on the way to my dreams.”
- “Everything I’ve experienced is an opportunity to learn and grow. I am expanding toward my goals and dreams each and every day.”
Then, decide to do something powerful.
Sit down and write as many steps as you can think of that could help you achieve your goal.
Then, choose three baby steps—things you can accomplish in five minutes or less.
You might think baby steps aren’t enough to get you anywhere, but that’s not true!
Baby Steps Can Take You All the Way Up Mt. Everest With Commitment & Persistence
As soon as you accomplish those three baby steps, choose three more.
Rinse and repeat!
If you do this, within just a few weeks, you’ll find that your “normal” has begun to change.
You’ll feel better about yourself. Your sense of confidence will have improved. And you’ll see tangible, measurable progress on the goals you’ve been trying to achieve.
I truly believe that there is no person on earth who has more potential than any one of us.
If they’re more successful, it’s because they have more awareness and tools to turn that potential into results.
And now, you too, have a simple tool to begin to turn your potential into success.
Powerful Next Steps: Creating an Ignited Vision
It can be challenging to use the exercise laid out in this post if you’re one of the many people who aren’t quite sure what they want.
Maybe you’ve never even considered what might be possible if you were to fully tap into your yet-to-be-discovered potential.
Maybe you aren’t sure if the vision and goals you’ve been working toward are still right for you.
If you relate, I have a special gift for you.
Click here and download my Creating an Ignited Vision eBook. It’s 100% free and 100% life changing!
You’ll be empowered to design a crystal clear vision of your dreams and determine, with confidence, what’s next for you.
Mary thank you greater travel freedom always had now focused on doing what I love success as Artist writing a book thank you many years have watched listened to you thank you and appreciate the love grateful .
Estelle – we love hearing that! Thank you so much for sharing with Mary and our team!