5 Unique, Heartfelt Ways to Express Your Gratitude, Whether Your Mom Is Here or Not
When we were little, most of us didn’t understand all of the day-to-day things – big and small – that our mothers did for us.
Whether that meant feeding us, comforting us, cheering us on, teaching us invaluable lessons, or making sure that we were safe and taken care of, our mothers were very busy women!
And even though we were probably grateful later on in life, we most likely didn’t say, “Thank you, Mom” nearly enough.
Mother’s Day is an annual holiday that was created to remind us to thank them for everything they did and gave to us.
Whether your mother is still alive and well, or if she’s passed on, there are many different ways you can show your gratitude.
Five Heartfelt Ways to Thank Your Mother
Here’s five ideas to show thanks for everything that she gave and did for you.
1. Send your mom an inspirational message for all the times she inspired you.
It can be easy to look back on your childhood and notice what your mother didn’t get right and what you wish she had done differently. It’s a natural part of evolution to want to be a better parent to your own children.
My own mother passed away in 2010. The way she parented me most definitely influenced the way I parented my children. In fact, I continue to grow and expand in my life because of the way she influenced me.
No matter how you feel about your relationship with your mother, join me for a moment, right now, in sending a big wave of gratitude out into the Universe for the woman who gave you life and acknowledge that she gave you her best.
This Mother’s Day, start by taking a moment to focus on everything your mom got right. Then, send her a handwritten note or card, or even an email that you think will encourage, uplift and inspire her to keep going, go after her dreams and create a life she loves living. Let her know that you want the best for her, too.
2. Compliment her for all the times she made you feel safe, boosted your self esteem or saw something in you that you couldn’t see in yourself.
A strong mom isn’t only strong herself. She makes her children strong as well – even stronger than herself! She taught you to be yourself and go after what you want. Without her, you won’t be where you are today.
Maybe your mom put her arm around you when somebody said something about you and she said, “It’s not true.” Perhaps she made you feel safe or good about yourself in a frightening or disheartening situation. Today, let your mom know that you’re proud of her. Words of praise will mean more coming from you than from anyone else.
3. Encourage her to follow her dreams.
Mothers sacrifice so much for their children. Today, why not ask your mother what her dream is? And then encourage her to live that dream. She deserves it.
If you know your mom has an idea of what she’d love to have in her life, today is the perfect time to encourage and support her. If she’s still alive, life isn’t over for her, even though sometimes as we age it’s easy to think that life has passed us by. When you suggest to your mom that you see a great future for her, it will most likely mean a great deal to her.
4. Make a list of the things you and your friends and your family members appreciate about her.
Moms cannot be replaced by anyone. However, it can be too easy to forget how much they do for us or to take advantage of the amount of unconditional love they’ve given (and continue to give) to us.
You may not consider your mom to be the person who raised you; your mom may be a professional mentor or older woman who has carved time out of her life to make us feel important and special. Return the favor and make her feel important and special with a thoughtful and inspiring Mother’s Day gift of appreciation.
Whether your list includes pushing you to be your best, always trying to stay connected to you or simply making food for you when you were hungry, share your list with her and show her that she’s loved and appreciated.
You see, the act of sharing kind words can be more power than we may ever realize. Kind words can inspire, motivate and even provide strength to someone who may not be able to find it within themselves. As you make your list today, imagine the possible good that could come from sharing these kind words of appreciation with your mom!
5. Spend time doing what she wants to do.
The average mother spends over 54,000 hours with their child by the time that child is 18 years old, starting at pregnancy. That’s a lot of time caring for and serving your little one! So today, give her the gift of choice.
Whether your mom loves going out to eat, going to the movies, taking a walk or riding horses, invite her to share that experience with you. If you’re unable to gift the type of experience or go with her, simply finding a way to encourage her to do what she would love is always a great idea.
Gratitude for Moms on Mother’s Day
Today, send a big wave of gratitude to the woman who invested years in you.
My friend Jean Houston, who is an anthropologist and studies world traditions, believes that even if you can’t see or touch your mother today, your energy can move through any dimension in order to connect with your mom wherever she is at any moment. Love knows no distance. There’s nothing that can take the love away and keep it from connecting.
Your mother spent nine months carrying you in her belly and the next few years with you on her hips. She raised you and encouraged you, despite not getting it right all the time, but ultimately she gave you her best.
Wherever your mother is today, reach out and say thank you for giving you life. Focus on what she did do for you, and if she’s still alive, find a way to support her in what she would love to do in the next stage of her life.
And now, here’s a question for you:
What’s one thing you appreciate about your mother? Go ahead and share your answer in the comments section below??????
I truly look forward to reading your response!
To all you mothers out there and to the loving energy that comes in the feminine face of the Infinite, Happy Mother’s Day!
I miss my mother so much, I feel like crying today on this Mother’s Day..she passed away 4 year back..I believe without mother life is empty..
My mother was very Pure hearted simple woman who loved everyone and helped everyone..she was content with what she had and always tried to do everything for me and my brother.
She was always smiling and spreading love and happiness in family.
I feel very lonely without her, If God asked to wish something I would ask him to give me my Mother back.
Now after her passing I realized that she was the source of Happiness for me which I have lost.
Love You So Much Mom wherever you are???
Thank you Mary?
My mom was a caring and loving mom, forging and peace loving someone. She passed on the 1st December 1993. Mom you are still loved. May the angels of the Lord surrounds you.
I remember coming home from primary school in dust, fly-blown out-back Echuca in Australia, and hearing Chopin playing through the housing commission neighborhoods as I approached my home.
My Mum would be playing on her piano.
I appreciate the way my Mother sat on my bed every night and lightly tickled my face while we talked about my day. She listened to everything wether good or bad and told me she was so proud of me. She made me feel loved and special and still does, I’m very blessed!
Thank you Mary
Love , Jodie
Wow, My Mother loved life to the fullest. She had a light within her that shone so bright that it filled the atmosphere lighting up the light within each & every person that she connected with. When asked at age 90, how long she planned to live, she replied she would live as long as she loved life, and when she no longer did then she would die. Such great words of wisdom that ring so true. So I give thanks to my Mother for giving me such a powerful love of life, and being present to the beauty of everyday experiences with much love, joy & gratitude. Her smile just made everyone’s life so much better. Plus so much more-she truly was a Special & much loved woman whom loved life to the fullest, and yes, she was loved by many long lasting friendships of all ages. So much to be thankful for-it still lights up my heart thinking about how she could lighten up a room just being herself. Yes, we were truly Blessed with having such an amazing woman being our Mother!
My mother taught me how to bead on a loom when I was five years old. My style and methods have changed over the last 58 years. I have been honored and grateful to have receive many awards for my beadwork. This would not have been possible if my mother did not take the time to teach. She taught me the art of beading as well as the history and culture of our ancestors. I am passionate about beading and my Native American culture. Thank you mom! I will pay this gift forward.
My mother introduced me to the worlds of art and music which have brought me great pleasure over the years.
She fed me very nutritious meals, introduced me to gardening and responded well to hugs!
For being utterly selfless
One thing I appreciate about my mum is her peaceful and forgiving nature. She is a very hospitable woman.
I graduated with an mba and had a great career. That all started with my mom registering me at the local community college. She saw great things for me when I saw very little. It was 6 years before I thanked her at all.
My Mom died in 2014. All my life I was the “Mother” to my Mom. We were never close in the right way. In the last year of her life, that changed and we had deep conversations and I understood why it was what it was. I am so grateful for that year.
Dear mom, I miss you and thank you. I need you every day!
She never gives up!
She has taught me to never give up.
My mom always put me and my sisters first. When our house was on fire she got badly burned making sure we were out of the house before she left the house.
Happy mothers day to you and your all mother in the world