Learn how affirmations can help you manifest material wealth.
“Money does not buy you happiness, but lack of money certainly buys you misery.” – Daniel Kahneman
Have you ever noticed that most stories about money make it seem like it’s negative to want it?
Think of movie characters, famous books, even in religious lessons and morals you heard as a child — the rich are painted as negative. The poor are painted as good.
That line of thinking has given many of us false paradigms about money.
Money is the root of all evil. Wanting money makes you selfish. Valuing money means you don’t value other things as much as you should.
Here’s a truth — money is neither good nor evil. Not having money limits your ability to have the life you would love and live into your purpose.
There is nothing wrong or terrible about wanting money. Say that with me. Repeat it to yourself.
Today, I want to talk about the Law of Attraction and how you can use it to bring time and money freedom into your life. I’ll explain how you can use this Universal Law to attract money, why gratitude is the key to raising your frequency, and how to use affirmations for manifesting money.
You’ll also learn how to change negative paradigms (beliefs that create your reality) into positive affirmations (with eleven examples) and I’ll give you twenty positive affirmations to bring wealth into your life, for a total of thirty-one affirmations you can add to your daily routine!
How Does the Law of Attraction Attract Money?
The Law of Attraction is actually a secondary Law. It works through setting your frequency at the same level as the things you want to attract. But there are eleven Universal Laws, and they are each important if you want to move from thinking to manifesting success.
For a fuller explanation of the Universal Laws, you can read more in The Law of Attraction: What Is It and How Does It Work? As a quick explanation, everything in your life is created twice. It’s created in your thoughts and then in your reality. If you want to know what your paradigms are about money, you can look at your current circumstances. Your beliefs about money and your relationship with it is evidenced in the way money flows in your life.
I want to tell you about my own false paradigms with money.
I had a lot of stories about why money wasn’t in my life when I was a young woman. When I heard that Raymond Charles Barker was going to speak at a conference, I traveled to California to see him. He was someone who was legendary and I was very interested in learning from him.
I got there early with my notepad ready for the inspiration he would surely bring. I wanted to soak up all of the wisdom people said that he imparted in even just one talk. He came out on the stage and he was the picture of wealth and success. I was in awe. I thought, “I want that in my life.”
He stood in the center of the stage, opened his wallet and pulled out a very large amount of money. He held it up, all spread out so the audience could see a big stack of large bills all fanned out in his hand.
He spoke clearly, “This, this is money. I love money. I love money. I just love money.”
He started kissing the money in his hand!
I shrank back in disgust and thought, “I just traveled all this way to hear this guy!? He’s not even spiritual!”
I was completely repulsed.
Then Raymond Charles Barker did something I did not expect. He paused, looked at the audience and gave me a lesson that has changed the direction of my life.
He said:
“Did you have any feeling of repulsion or disgust when I did that? You might have even thought, ‘this guy isn’t even spiritual’!”
He caught my attention with those words. It was like he went right into my soul and understood what I was thinking.
He continued, “Why would money want to come somewhere that it’s not loved?”
I want you to think about that. Why would money want to come where it isn’t welcome? And he was right…
You’ve been trained to think that it’s okay to love certain things, like your family, your pets or your community. But you’ve also been trained to believe that it’s not okay to love money or material wealth. Those beliefs will hold you back from ever achieving the wealth you want. But you can replace those old, false beliefs with positive paradigms that attract the things you want.
So many of us have been trained to push away positive things without realizing it.
For instance, if someone compliments our appearance and we reply with something self-deprecating, we’re diminishing the positivity. We’re lowering our vibration.
The practice of positivity takes work. We’re changing very common patterns of speech and thought that we might not even have realized we were doing. This takes a commitment to notice what you are noticing and pay attention to the words that you use.
Words carry vibrations. Words work on a frequency. This is why affirmations work so well. And here’s a little tip that I know is true – affirmations work, even if you don’t believe them. If you commit to saying them every day, regularly, affirmations will absolutely work. They work faster and with more predictability when you are focusing energy and belief. But they will work to some degree, even if you’re a skeptic.
How Can I Attract Money to My Life?
If you want something different in your life, it starts with your thoughts.
Look around at your current situation. Are you behind on bills? Just making ends meet? Maybe the ends aren’t even meeting.
You’re worried about all the things you must pay, all the obligations you have trouble meeting. You never have time to do the things you want. And if you do have the time, you worry over spending money that can be used on other bills and necessities.
I know that story because it was mine. Here’s what I’ve learned that I’d love to share with you: You are a being of light. The Universe is abundant, and you have every right to that abundance. It is here for you. The only requirement is that you change your frequency. And that starts with your thoughts.
That scenario of worry and putting off things because you have a budget to consider, is a symptom of scarcity. Your life isn’t really filled with scarcity. Your thinking is. So change the frequency.
Instead, imagine what it feels like to have more than enough. Imagine what it feels like to buy things without thinking about the price and to do things you’d love with your time.
About now, you’re thinking: “Well of course I’m thinking about the price. I live in the real world. I have bills to pay.”
I thought those things, too, until my mentor showed me that my thinking was the thing holding me back. The thing making scarcity play out over and over in my life.
I’m not telling you to stop paying your bills or stop being responsible. I’m telling you to add more. Add your dreams to your thinking. What would you love? What would your life look like if you absolutely loved it?
Hold that dream, fill it out in the greatest detail. Take every opportunity to put yourself in a mindset that the life you love is already yours. As you shift that thinking, you’ll find opportunities will come to meet you that you didn’t see before.
The Call of Gratitude
Shifting your mindset is partially about recognizing what you would love and keeping that vision. But it’s also about gratitude. Being grateful for what you have is a powerful frequency. Showing gratitude and feeling it sets off a vibration that attracts more things to be grateful for.
This is why I practice gratitude every single day as part of my nightly routine. It puts me in the mindset to attract what I want and need. It helps me to appreciate all the joy I have and all the wonderful blessings in my life. It propels the cycle of continuing this wondrous journey filled with happiness, joy, and gratitude.
How Do You Write Affirmations for Money?
Positive affirmations help you attract what you want in your life. They also keep you in a mindset that is healthier, more positive and more productive. That’s a lot to ask from a few little words, but it does work. It works without question.
We’ve talked about negative paradigms. Positive affirmations reprogram your mind to eliminate some of these negative, low vibration beliefs that prevent you from succeeding. You can use positive affirmations in any area of your life, and you can start using them at any age.
One of the most powerful ways to craft positive affirmations, is by pinpointing what your negative paradigms are and crafting your affirmations to dispel those false beliefs. I’m going to give you a few examples that are very common.
Examples of Common Negative Money Paradigms
- Money doesn’t grow on trees.
- You have to work hard to have any kind of success.
- I’m bad with money.
- Without college, I am not qualified for a good job or high income.
- I’m stuck in this low paying job because there are no opportunities for me.
- I’m not skilled enough to be successful.
- What I love doesn’t pay well.
- I never have enough money.
- The cost of living is too high for me to succeed.
- People with money are spoiled/awful/greedy.
- I don’t have enough time or money to (do whatever thing I’d love)
How to Change Negative Paradigms into Positive Affirmations
Let’s look at the negative money paradigms from above and I’ll show you how to transform them into positive affirmations.
- Money flows abundantly in my life.
- I attract abundance without effort.
- I am talented and attract wealth.
- I use my gifts and talents to fill my purpose and am rewarded with abundance.
- Opportunities for amazing jobs I love come to me easily.
- I am confident and successful.
- I am paid well for the work that I love.
- I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
- I have more than enough money.
- I have time and money freedom to be of service to others and live into my purpose.
- I spend every day doing things that I love.
What Are the Best Affirmations for Money?
Writing your own affirmation is powerful because you can tailor it specifically for your life. Often, when you just start using affirmations, you might be concerned about how to write them.
The wording is important. I encourage you to think about ways to make your affirmations personal to you, but I’d also love to offer you a list that you can use, any time you like.
20 Affirmations for Money
- I love money.
- I attract money and the good things I can do with it.
- Opportunities come to me easily.
- I am worthy of abundance and success.
- I am a being of light and the Universe gives me everything I want.
- I have abundance in all areas of my life.
- I love attracting money into my life.
- I can buy all of the things my family wants or needs with ease.
- There is more than enough time and money for me to do anything I want.
- I attract great wealth and I use it to improve my life and the lives of others.
- I am grateful for all of the financial blessings in my life.
- I live in the home of my dreams and have more than enough money.
- I share my wealth with others and my cup always overflows.
- I create wealth with my thoughts and deeds.
- Wealth is all around me and I easily obtain all I ever want.
- My life is full and happy and I want for nothing.
- I am grateful for the beautiful effortless life I am living and the abundance I enjoy.
- I have a great impact on the world around me and give freely to every charity I love.
- More money than I can ever spend pours into my bank account.
- I am wealthy and filled with joy and gratitude every day.
Removing Abundance Blocks to Give Your Affirmations Punch
Affirmations are one of the most powerful tools you can use to change the false paradigms that block your success. Today, we’ve talked about the common beliefs that keep so many people living with scarcity.
You’ve learned how to use the Law of Attraction to bring money into your life and why gratitude is so important in raising your vibration. We’ve also talked about false paradigms you might have had growing up and how you can change those negative beliefs to positive affirmations.
You’ve also got a list of positive affirmations you can add to your own routine to help remove those abundance blocks and start attracting the wealth you desire.
If you’re looking for a way to boost your ability to remove those abundance blocks, I’d love to invite you to my free Abundance Masterclass.
Here, you’ll learn what the three most common blocks are and how to eliminate them from your life.
With the right tools and affirmations, time and money freedom can flow into your life with ease.
Register today.
Think Bravely and Act Boldly!
This blog is the best I’ve heard in a while. Thank you for all you shared. It felt like I had a conversation with you. I will be in your class tomorrow. I need this so badly. Thank you once again for your generousity.
Thank You So Much Brave Thinking Institute I struggle with time commitment and procrastination never having time for myself as a registered nurse living full time resident in the state of Hawaii. Yes! Single loving myself my clients my people and so lucky and joy to live and breathe in Hawaii
Exactly what I needed,I began smiling because I know everything is changing and I’m living the life I want now in abundance.
Thank you for this message.
You are welcome, Nkechi. We love that it touched you so deeply!
Great lesson and knowledge.I am grateful to you,thank you so so much.🙏🏻
You are most welcome, Shobha! Keep thinking bravely!
Great news but am poor with the little I have
We believe in full-spectrum wealth, Wilson. You may be rich in other areas of your life! However, these tools can help you manifest the abundance you deserve.