Use these simple, practical manifesting exercises to make the Law of Attraction work for you
Consider this…
Every physical form – from chairs and buildings to systems and lighting – was first a thought. That thought, paired with inspired action, led to its physical manifestation.
The same creative power rests in you: to bring your own dreams from the realm of imagination into your physical reality.
These 11 simple, but powerful, exercises will help you work WITH your inner creative power to bring your dreams into reality, master the Law of Attraction, and create results you love.
So to start off this exploration, know that your thinking creates energy, and each thought holds its own vibration. Your thoughts then determine your results, which is why it’s important to be on the frequency of success within your own thinking.
1. Activate Your Subconscious Mind
Your thinking creates energy, and each thought holds its own vibration. The more clear you are about what thoughts support your vision, the more likely you are to manifest your desire.
The easiest way to connect your thoughts with your reality is by writing them down. This works because it engages the right (imaginative) and left (logic) hemispheres of your brain.
Writing down your dreams and goals allows your subconscious mind to expand into an entirely new level of literal creativity.
To attract positive results with this exercise, challenge yourself to:
- Be as specific as possible: Create a crystal clear image of success that you can focus on
- Only write what you DO want, not what you don’t want to attract
- Write your vision in the present-tense, as if it has already happened (for example, use words like “I am”, “I have”, and “I feel” instead of “I will be”, “I will have”, and “I’m going to feel”)
- Describe what you’re manifesting as well as how you feel having manifested it
- Re-visit, add to, and expand upon your vision regularly
2. Use a Law of Attraction Vision Board (a.k.a Dream Board)
A vision board creates even more clarity in your dream and can help keep you focused on your dream.
To create a vision board:
1. Select a blank canvas (a wall, a poster, a piece of paper, etc.).
2. Collect inspirational materials to decorate your canvas, such as:
- Magazine Cut-Outs
- Quotes
- Inspirational images that represent your:
- Dream Life
- Dream Relationship
- Dream Vacation
- Dream Job
- Affirmations (which we’ll discuss in more detail later)
3. Decorate your canvas with the materials you chose!
4. Once you create your personal masterpiece, place it somewhere that you can see on a regular basis.
In lieu of a physical vision board, you can also create a digital vision board. This makes it even easier to add to your vision board at the moment of inspiration. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of being able to access it anywhere and at any time.
For more vision board ideas, I recommend exploring these posts:
Casting a Big Vision for the Year Ahead
How to make a Vision Board to Manifest Your Dreams
A vision board is a powerful tool that reminds you of your major goals and energizes your subconscious with positive feelings.
3. Get Creative
Artistic expression is a perfect example of how your imagination can shape your reality.
No matter your artistic skill, try drawing, painting, or craft-making visual representations of your dreams. Accessing your creative mind will help you tap into new levels of creativity and remind you that you can alter reality.
Translating thoughts into physical being tells your subconscious that you’re aware of your thoughts and able to act on them.
4. Build A Gratitude Book
The most successful people point to gratitude as their key to success.
For example, Oprah Winfrey is known to keep a gratitude journal. In it, she writes five things she’s grateful for each day. You can build your gratitude book by doing the same.
“I practice being grateful. And a lot of people say, ‘Oh Oprah, that’s easy for you ‘cause you got everything!’ On the contrary. I got everything because I practiced being grateful.”
Practicing gratitude allows you to accept the gifts the Universe freely offers without letting go of gratitude for your current experience.
Gratitude is the frequency harmonious with the experience of abundance.
5. Journal Your Achievements/Success Stories
Keep a list of all the extraordinary results you’ve already achieved in your life. That way, you can rely on a collection of your personal achievements and success stories to raise your vibration whenever needed.
A record of your accomplishments, successes, and capabilities serves as a fantastic source of proof for you and your subconscious mind. Whenever you need a reminder of what’s possible or what you’re truly capable of, you’ll have a resource to rely on.
6. Use Law of Attraction Affirmations
Create your own statements of belief that declare to yourself and the Universe what is true for you. Positive affirmations are a powerful way to raise your vibration and maintain focus on your goal.
Your affirmations should:
- Bring your dreams into the present tense
- Support a positive mindset
- Invoke positive feelings for what is already on it’s way to you
- Inspire action in the direction of your dream
- Release the “how”. Instead, be open and expecting to receive, even without knowing which way the Universe will choose to support you.
Law of Attraction affirmations help you train your mind to think as a matter of when – not how.
Need some inspiration for your own affirmations? Check out these 21 Law of Attraction affirmations to help you create your own.
7. Connect With Partners In Believing
“Partners in believing” help you nurture your dreams and challenge you to dream bigger. They are supportive individuals who can remind you of your goals in the face of challenges and obstacles.
Surround yourself with people who will keep believing in you even when you stumble so you can borrow from their belief.
8. Make it a Game
Keeping your manifesting practice light and fun is a great way to infuse positive energy into the reality you’re creating.
Try playing this manifestation game:
- At the beginning of the week, set aside some time to yourself
- Think of three small things you would love to experience in the upcoming week. The things you choose don’t have to be a part of a bigger vision, just small things that you would love
- Write them down in a journal, notebook, or even in your phone
- Go about your week and practice fully expecting to receive the things you chose
- When you do, be sure to celebrate it and record it in your manifestation journal
9. Schedule Time to Daydream
Did you know daydreaming attracts success and helps you achieve your dreams? It’s true!
Schedule time in each day to daydream, even if it’s only for a few minutes. You’ll create opportunities for yourself to reconnect with your vision and feel good while you do.
By regularly spending time in imagination, you’ll be able to make your dream even more specific and clear. More clarity = more likely to become a reality.
10. Tie Everything Together With Daily Action
Regardless of how much you plan, what’s really going to attract your dream into existence is faithful execution.
That’s the hidden beauty of these law of attraction exercises. Ultimately, they remind you to create – to implement – and to activate.
Inspired action will help you align with the version of yourself that already has everything you dream of.
Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
11. Law of Attraction Meditation
These Law of Attraction exercises can help you visualize your dream, practice your creative power, and make your dreams a reality.
But, it’s natural to wonder “what’s next?”
At the end of the day, we exercise in order to make some kind of change about ourselves. In this case, maybe you feel like you’re long overdue for that change.
I hope you realize that you have the power within you – at this very moment – to create a life you love. You can achieve the extraordinary results you dream of, and I would love to help you reach that breakthrough.
If you want to craft a crystal-clear vision of a life you love…
Deepen your connection with the Law of Attraction…
And practice deliberately choosing the dreams you want to manifest…
Download this guided meditation: “Building the Vision of Your Dreams.”
I cannot wait to see the incredible results you achieve!
Very very true. I believe in all these things also. God is great. Nothing is impossible if you believe
Keep believing, Colin, and you will create what you dream of in all 4 quadrants of your life.
Very very true
We believe!