The Easy Way To Skip Past The Deadliest “Dream-Killing” Pitfalls When Manifesting
Ever since the movie The Secret came out, the Law of Attraction has captured people’s imagination.
The idea that you could harness a seemingly magical invisible force that will grant your every wish…
While you only have to sit back and think positively about what you want…
And everything you desire could just fall into your lap is pretty appealing, right?
When it comes to manifesting and the Law of Attraction, most people have fallen victim to misunderstandings and misconceptions that cause them to make common mistakes…
Leading to results they don’t want or causing them to believe that manifestation “doesn’t work.”
The next thing you know, they naturally feel deceived and confused, and may even think things like, “The law of attraction ruined my life!”
But you don’t have to experience these pitfalls…
In this post, I’ll clear up myths, mistakes, and misconceptions surrounding The Law of Attraction based on my 50 years of study in spiritual principles.
You’ll discover the proven path to success and learn the truth behind the Law of Attraction!
(Want to get a hands-on, practical headstart on manifesting abundance in your life? Grab your free download of the Magnetic Money Mindset workbook…It’s chock full of revelations, insights, and exercises that will help you manifest even greater levels of money, success, and abundance. Get your copy here!)
Common Misconceptions About The Law of Attraction
First off, let’s clear up some common myths you may have heard about the Law of Attraction.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not some mystical spell, or a delusional “woo-woo” fantasy… nor is it a whimsical notion straight out of a science fiction novel. There’s real science behind the Law of Attraction, and just like gravity, you don’t have to ‘believe’ in it in order for it to work – it’s working all the time!
Myth #1: The Law of Attraction Only Works for Some People
Another thing people get wrong is thinking, “The Law of Attraction doesn’t work for ME” – But, as one of the Laws that govern our universe, it works for everybody, not just an elite few!
The difference is that some people use the Law of Attraction in a conscious way, deliberately co-creating the results and the life they want. Those who haven’t learned how to harness its power, on the other hand, often end up manifesting a reality they’re already familiar with – even if that means something they don’t want.
Myth #2: The Law of Attraction Only Works if You Think Positive Thoughts All the Time
You also don’t need to “only think positive thoughts” in order for the Law of Attraction to work.
When people talk about the Law of Attraction, they tend to talk a lot about positive thinking, positive energy, and positive emotions.
So much so, that people often wonder if the Law of Attraction is just another term promoting toxic positivity!
This misconception about the Law of Attraction is disempowering because it leads people to believe even the smallest negative thought can sabotage their manifestation.
The truth is, having negative thoughts and feelings are all a part of our human experience. The point is not to figure out some magical way to not have negative thoughts or feelings, but to learn how to avoid staying in that frequency.
So allow thoughts to flow through and release those that no longer serve you.
Myth #3: The Law of Attraction Is Supposed to Work With Thoughts Alone
Last, I want to point out that the Law of Attraction is not an excuse to avoid taking action.
Unfortunately, this is one of the myths that most often gets people stuck.
They believe, “All you have to do is think about what you want – really hard – and it will magically manifest in your life.”
But the Universal Law of Attraction is not a magic wand that grants ambiguous desires or a grown up version of Santa Claus that responds to thought alone.
To attract the results you desire, your thoughts must match the vibration of your dreams and be supported with bold, brave action!
Now, let’s dive into the top 10 mistakes that can derail your manifestations…
Top 10 Law of Attraction Mistakes Keeping You Stuck
Although the Law of Attraction works perfectly, it doesn’t mean everyone knows how to use it to intentionally create the results they want. I’ll give you an example…
Imagine you just bought a new lamp for your nightstand. When you saw it in the store, you envisioned how it would look with your bedroom decor. You imagined it lighting up, how bright it would be, and how you’d be able to see better with it on.
But, once you got it home, you refused to connect the plug to the outlet!
Instead, you decide you’re going to just believe it will light up on its own…
And then feel disappointed, or even get mad because the lamp isn’t on!
When we put it like that, it sounds silly, doesn’t it?
Obviously, no matter how diligently you believe the lamp will turn on if you visualize it hard enough, it doesn’t change how the law of electricity actually works.
But that’s the equivalent to how most people approach using the Law of Attraction…
They want to do things their way, not knowing that the Law works in a very specific way…
Causing them to make mistakes they’re not even aware of.
So if you haven’t been getting the results you desire, I encourage you to consider the following common mistakes that block you from making your dreams come true:
1. Not Taking Aligned Action
We previously discussed that just wishing isn’t enough to make things happen. But there’s another pitfall many people fall into…
Which is thinking that to achieve their goals, all they have to do is work harder. Do more.
And while taking action is critical to manifesting your dreams, not all action is created equal.
Sometimes, people keep themselves busy with tasks that won’t actually lead them to the results they want to achieve.
Imagine this: You dream of starting your own business, but instead of drafting a business plan or networking with like-minded individuals, you work extra hours in your current job because you want to be financially ready to launch your business “someday.”
See the discrepancy?
Aligned action is all about taking the baby steps that will directly lead to where you want to go. You don’t have to know how everything will unfold, just take the step in front of you and the next one will reveal itself.
The Universe will meet your aligned action with more opportunities, greater clarity, and unexpected success and support. And before you realize it, you’ll manifest your dream life!
Align your actions with your aspirations, and watch the magic unfold.
2. Not “Coming From Your Dream”
It’s quite common for people to see their ideal life like a distant dream they’re striving to get to.
But this mindset keeps them far away from ever reaching their goals.
You see, in order for you to manifest more good into your life, you have to match your frequency to the frequency of your dreams.
So when you constantly think and feel that your desires are hard to achieve or far away from your reality, that’s what you’ll manifest – more reasons, setbacks, and situations that cause you to stay stuck.
On the contrary, you can come from the vibration of the version of yourself who has everything you desire.
How? It’s actually much simpler than you might think! When you’re faced with a decision, ask yourself “What would the version of myself who has already achieved my goal do right now?”
It’s not about getting to the dream; it’s about coming from the dream.
3. Not Being Specific
Have you ever asked the universe for “more money”, only to find a quarter on the sidewalk?
The universe wants to help you…
But you have to let it know exactly what you need (or desire.)
Otherwise, it’s like ordering “something delicious” at a restaurant and being served a mystery dish you never even wanted to try. The universe works with specificity, so don’t be shy about articulating your desires in vivid detail.
Instead of wishing for “more money,” specify the exact amount you wish to manifest. Instead of longing for “happiness,” delineate the experiences and emotions that define true happiness for you. The more specific you are, the clearer your signal becomes to the universe.
And if you’re worried that being too specific can limit the blessings you’re open to receive, just say “this or something better” – that way, you have specified to the universe exactly what you want, and you’re open to letting even better things into your life.
4. Trying to control the “How”
This is one of the most common manifesting mistakes: the perennial struggle of wanting to micromanage the universe’s divine plan.
Requesting your desires to come through a particular medium or pathway not only doesn’t work…
But It’s just as frustrating and futile as trying to navigate a maze blindfolded – you don’t have the big picture vision to see the easiest path to your goal.
So why not trusting the one who does – the universe?
Attempting to dictate the minutiae of how your desires manifest only serves to stifle the natural flow of abundance.
You can’t possibly foresee all the ways your desires can reach you, so when you insist they must come to you a certain way, you may be actually delaying its manifestation.
Instead of fixating on the “how,” surrender to the greater intelligence of the Infinite. Trust that your desires are being orchestrated in perfect harmony, even if the path unfolds in ways you could have never imagined.
5. Not Minding Your Language
Words are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of the universe, germinating into reality with astonishing speed. Yet, many of us unwittingly sabotage our manifestations with the language we use.
Choose your words wisely, as they have the power to shape your reality.
The good news is that this is one of the simplest “Law of Attraction solutions” to implement.
Instead of saying “I need more money”, consider affirming “I am abundant”. One is expansive while the other one is constricting.
Speak as if your desires have already been fulfilled, and watch as the universe conspires to make it so.
6. Not Being Grateful for What You Already Have
Gratitude is the secret sauce that transforms scarcity into abundance and lack into plenty. Yet, many of us overlook the blessings that surround us, fixating instead on what’s missing from our lives.
The thing is, what we focus on, expands.
When we focus on lack, that’s what we’re calling into our life.
Take a moment to pause and reflect on the abundance that already exists in your life. From the air you breathe to the roof over your head, each moment is overflowing with reasons to be grateful.
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, and watch as your blessings multiply exponentially.
7. Not Being Consistent
Manifestation is not a one-time event; it’s a way of life. Yet, many of us approach it with the fervor of a sprinter, only to lose steam when results don’t materialize overnight.
Consistency is key to harnessing the full potential of the Law of Attraction. Make it a daily practice to align your thoughts, words, and actions with your desires.
There are multiple manifestation tools you can incorporate into your routine to stay in the frequency of your dreams – choose the one you feel is right for you, and stick with it.
Like tending to a garden, nurturing your manifestations consistently yields bountiful results in due time.
8. Letting Your Subconscious Blocks Run Wild
The depths of the subconscious mind hold hidden beliefs and conditioning that shape our reality. Yet, many of us remain blissfully unaware of the subconscious programming that can sabotage our manifestations from within.
This subconscious programming is also known as your paradigms– the beliefs that define what’s “normal” for you.
And until you change your current paradigms for those that are more expansive, you’ll keep getting the same results you’ve been getting!
So I invite you to take a moment to explore the shadows lurking beneath the surface of your consciousness…
What limiting beliefs and negative patterns are holding you back from manifesting your desires?
By shining a light on these subconscious blocks, you can begin to dismantle them and pave the way for abundance to flow freely into your life.
(Want an easy way to explore and shift the paradigms impacting your abundance and financial freedom? Download your copy of the Magnetic Money Mindset workbook now. The exercise on page 15 will help you uncover your specific limiting beliefs, and Chapter 4 will show you exactly how to rewire your brain to create incredibly abundant, new results!)
9. Not Connecting to Your Dreams on a Deeper Level
Once people discover visualization techniques, they often make the common mistake of only connecting to their dreams on a surface level. They may create a vision board, or ‘think’ for a few minutes about what they want to achieve…
But that’s not enough.
Because one of the most powerful ways to impress these commands into your subconscious mind, and communicate your desires to the Universe is through emotion.
Good visualization techniques will teach you how to see things in vivid detail and allow the positive feelings to flood you and run through your body.
They will help you step into the skin of that “future you” and imagine how your life would look and how you would feel living your dream life.
That way, you’ll easily connect with and stay in the frequency of your dreams – and magnetize them to you.
10. Trying to Figure Things Out Alone
Ah, the lone wolf mentality—the belief that we must achieve our goals on our own.
This is one of the sneakiest Law of Attraction mistakes out there, causing thousands of people to waste years of their journey stuck in trial and error.
The fastest path to living a life you love is by surrounding yourself with people who support your vision: a mentor to guide our steps, a community that cheers you on, and partners in believing who keep you accountable.
I highly recommend signing up for immersive events that will temporarily break your habitual routine, so you can focus on shifting your paradigms, and connect with like-minded people.
Remember, the journey of manifestation is far richer and more rewarding when shared with others!
Bulletproof Your Manifestation Journey And Shed a Light On Your Biggest Blocks
Now that you understand the most common Law of Attraction mistakes, you’re ready to go out into the world and manifest your dreams.
But before you go, I’d love to offer you a chance to not just avoid these 10 mistakes, but bulletproof your manifestation journey against your most dominant blocks, limiting paradigms, and constrictive thoughts…
Download the Magnetic Money Mindset Workbook (Free)!
In this 30 page workbook with 6 interactive exercises, you’ll be guided through insights, a-ha moments, and practices to:
- Deeply understand your money mindset (and how it’s impacting your ability to manifest the results you want)
- Uncover your specific blocks and see exactly how they’re keeping you stuck
- Easily rewire your brain to support your biggest dreams and desire for abundance and financial freedom
- Harness the power of 3 practical, life-changing money mindset shifts you can start using TODAY for even better manifesting results
Don’t miss your chance to get free access to this incredible resource and skyrocket your journey to manifesting the success and abundance you’ve always dreamed of.
I’m interested
Im trying to visualize and positive think etc but all my life my mom always told me “Things like that don’t happen to people like us” Its hard to change your thinking with that constantly in the back of your mind. How do I get that saying out of my head? Sometimes I think the universe is with me and other times I do believe it IS totally against me! I need help to undo this in my head! Help!
Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for your comment. We know a lot of people relate to having a similar experience, and it can be challenging to un-learn things that we were taught growing up. Remember that this statement isa paradigm (or a limiting belief), and in this case, it wasn’t even yours to begin with. It was given to you by your mom. You can start by acknowledging that thought as just a thought whenever it pops up, and then choosing a more aligned thought to focus on instead. (You might ask yourself what you *would* believe or think if you were free from that limiting paradigm to find a new thought). Then, whenever you find the saying comes up, you simply acknowledge it as a thought and remind yourself of the new thought you’ve chosen. Then you can begin to make decisions and take action as a person who fully believes the new thought (even if there’s still a part of you that’s unsure). Over time, the old thought will disappear.
I have perfected positive thinking!
And am on
A have been on
A crazy renovation road for the last 3 months
I really enjoy it but now my vision is coming true I have bad dreams that people will leave me and call me selfish and nasty
It has happened before when I feel really happy I start to feel that something will go wrong and I am a bad person
I had a really bad dream last night that everyone hated me
How do I stop this. I’m at the stage of my life where I just want to do good in the world
Your reading on positivity helped thankyou so much
Hi Deborah! We’ll pass your gratitude on to Mary! She has a night practice to visualize and design the next day. When you do your practices at night consistently, ultimately your subconscious mind will keep these thoughts throughout your sleep. This can help!