Your “Go-To” List of Law of Attraction Solutions to Get Unstuck and Manifest More
⌛Estimated Read Time: 8.5min
“Is the Law of Attraction real?”
If you’re asking yourself this question, I don’t blame you!
Perhaps you’ve already done your best to eliminate negative thoughts, tried to stay in a positive mindset and feel good as much as you can, read and listened to everything you could find about this mysterious universal law…
But the results you dream of are nowhere to be found.
It’s okay – today I’m unveiling 5 Law of Attraction secrets that will help you get unstuck and accelerate your manifestations!
Consider this short list your “go-to Law of Attraction solutions” when you can’t figure out why things aren’t working.
Now, let’s pull the curtain back on how the Law of Attraction works…
Law of Attraction Secret #1: Speak A Language The Universe Understands
Your words hold immense creative power – the power you’ll need to attract your deepest desires!
Your words have the power to affect your attitude, actions, and ultimately, your success with the Law of Attraction.
By simply being more aware of the words you think and speak, you can better direct the energy you put out into the world.
An easy way to harness the energy of your words is with the practice of daily, positive affirmations (you can use Law of Attraction quotes, too!)
You’ve likely heard of affirmations before… but you may not know that there is a specific way to work with affirmations to get the best results.
It’s critical when repeating affirmations to be conscious of the language you use. You have to speak a language the Universe understands!
Most people focus on what they don’t want – but they don’t know that what you focus on, expands!
This is because the Universe reads your attention as what matters most to you, so it keeps providing what you’re telling it you want.
Using negative words and focusing on what you don’t want is one of the most common manifesting mistakes. But there are simple ways to fix it…
How to Use Your Words to Create Positive Affirmations
Tap into the vibration of abundance instead of lack
“I need” implies lack or scarcity, while saying “I would love” invites abundance. Reframe “need” statements with the expansive energy of love.
Ex: “I need to find a partner.” / “I would love to find a partner who values me!”
Stay in the Present
Using “I am” statements brings your dream into the present rather than pushing the positive into the future.
Ex: “I will be a money magnet.” / “I am a money magnet and my bank account is open to receive!”
Focus on what you DO Want
Create affirmations as if you already manifested the positive experiences you desire instead of focusing on negative experiences you wish to avoid.
Ex: “I don’t want to be broke.” / “I attract financial abundance!”
These affirmations will help you direct your focus and speak the “language of the Universe” to manifest your desires.
Remember to use your affirmations often! Your internal dialogue requires a steady stream of positive thoughts to hold the right vibration for abundance.
But, know that you’re not required to have a perfectly positive attitude at all times (that’s how you fall into the trap of toxic positivity).
Rather, aim to practice responding to challenges, setbacks, and frustrations with intention, focusing on your vision and desires to guide your next steps. Keep going and you’ll see the results!
Law of Attraction Secret #2: Think Outside The Box… and Dream Bigger!
Your comfort zone, or the mindset of “thinking inside the box”, has another name: your paradigm.
A paradigm is a collection of thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that defines your perception of “normal”.
We all have paradigms, and they are often the result of conditioning from our families, schools, media, and other critical influences.
When you aren’t aware of our paradigms, they take control of your life!
By limiting yourself to what you think you can have or what seems possible under your current circumstances, you disconnect from what is truly possible for you.
In the words of Henry Ford, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
So an essential step of manifesting a life you love is expanding your thinking beyond what you’ve been able to accomplish in the past, and allowing yourself to dream of what you would love.
You do not need to know “how” it will be accomplished, only that it can be done, and that the Universe would love to help you!
So, knowing that the universe is ready and willing to support you, consider this key question:
Are you open to receiving?
As you hold this question in mind, let’s answer how you can get access to the abundance you deserve.
Law of Attraction Secret #3: Magnetize Your Desires By Amplifying Your Self-Worth
Manifesting your dream life requires a crucial ingredient: that you amplify your sense of deservingness.
Let me explain why with an example:
Imagine that I want to give you a gift. I step in front of you, extend my arms and in my hands you can see a colorful box wrapped with a beautiful bow…
But you don’t take it. You turn around and walk away.
Will you be able to enjoy that gift?
No, because you didn’t take it.
It’s the same way with the universe – it gives to you in direct proportion to your willingness to receive.
In other words, the universe has an unlimited capacity to provide anything you dream of, but you’ll only see it manifested in your reality if you’re open to allowing it into your life.
What keeps most people from receiving blessings is a deep-rooted sense of feeling undeserving.
To change this, notice your inner voice, the limiting beliefs, and the stories you tell yourself.
More likely, these stories come from your past, from someone other than yourself. Maybe a teacher criticized you, something you overheard your parents say, or a kid that bullied you at school.
When you realize where the story comes from, you can see it for what it is – a story.
Then, you can choose something different. To change your sense of worthiness, you can do self-love meditations, speak positive things to yourself while looking into a mirror, and shift your self-talk.
It will take practice and repetition, but little by little you’ll start to be kinder to yourself. When this happens, you’ll also allow yourself to receive greater blessings into your life!
Law of Attraction Secret #4: Start With Your Mindset
When it comes to creating a life you love, it can be tempting to jump in and start making external changes. But harnessing the power of manifesting actually begins with what’s inside…your mindset.
Let’s use money and wealth as an example.
Most people dream of becoming more abundant. But to manifest the wealth you desire, it’s not enough to want it, or even “hustle” for it…
You must change your money mindset first.
If you’re not paying attention, you may be operating under a mindset of lack and struggle, buying into limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
Common examples of a negative money mindset are:
“Money is the root of all evil”
“Money doesn’t grow on trees”
“We’re not made of money”
On top of that, most spiritual people share the opinion that it’s wrong to love money!
I’ll admit – I was once one of them…
Until a single teaching completely changed my relationship with money.
In the early ’70s, I traveled across the country to see a famous spiritual teacher. He was well-known and filled out the 3,000-seat Lincoln Hall every week in New York City.
I remember him stepping on stage, pulling out a large wad of bills, fanning them in front of the crowd, and kissing them over and over again.
He proudly proclaimed, “I just LOVE money!”
I was repulsed. My body tensed up and filled with judgment and criticism. And by looking at the faces among the crowd, I was far from the only one shocked and grossly disappointed.
After putting the money back into his pocket, he said, “I just want you to notice if you had some feelings of repulsion, criticism, or judgment about what I just did. Maybe you even wondered if, in fact, I am not even a spiritual person.”
I couldn’t help but nod. Then he asked how we would have felt if the money was replaced by his grandson.
So instead of a wad of bills, imagine if he had picked up his grandson, held him out and said “I just LOVE my grandson!”
He continued, “I bet not one of you would have felt repulsed or revolted. Why?
Because you’ve been highly trained that it’s okay to love a grandchild, but it’s not okay, or even spiritual, to love the symbol of your freedom.”
In just a second, he transformed my perception of money as a source of vanity and greed into one of freedom and abundance.
From then on, I understood money as energy that flows from one person to the next.
So, if you feel repulsed, dirty, or connect any other kind of negative energy to money, you block its flow to you.
Or as this spiritual teacher posed it:
“Why would it ever come where it’s not loved?”
Living in fear of money prevents you from attracting more wealth or prosperity into your life and from getting results – instead, you must know how to operate in harmony with the Law of Money.
Choose, instead, to believe that energy will enable you to be comfortable enough, so you can be creative enough, to really give the gifts that are within you to the world.
Law of Attraction Secret #5: Enlist The Universe As Your Co-Creator
No matter how strong your desire is… you can’t do it alone.
It takes working with the universe as co-creators to make your dreams come to life.
The thing is, if you don’t learn how to strengthen your connection with the universe and be open to its participation in the creative process, you’re not manifesting – you’re daydreaming.
So how do you remedy this situation?
Use tools that enlist the universe as your co-creator and amplify the Law of Attraction.
One of the most powerful ways to increase your success with the Law of Attraction is by writing down exactly what you want to attract and readily expect to receive it.
Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican University in California, discovered that “you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis.”
This has to do with how our brains are wired.
When the right side of the brain (which is imaginative) works with the left side of the brain (which is literal), those signals transcend the physical and tune in with the power of the universe.
In short, you hold immense creative power just by directing your imagination to the things you want to manifest!
You can expand on this by pairing your writing with emotion and a crystal-clear vision of your dreams…
And I have a special gift for you that will help you do just that!
Tap Into the Hidden Power of a Future Version of You and Accelerate Your Results
Using a visualization tool, such as a vision board, will help you connect your emotions to your desire – amplifying the Law of Attraction even more.
So I’m here with a unique gift for you: a Brave Thinking customizable vision board toolkit that will help you harness your true manifesting power!
Get your FREE “Ignited Self” Vision Board Kit
We created this vision board kit to fix a common mistake people make: even though vision boards are popular tools, most people unknowingly hinder their manifestations when using one.
Why? Because they create aspirational vision boards – a collection of the things they wished they had, completely separate from their present reality…
Which actually anchors their vibration on a state of ‘wanting’ and lack, sabotaging their dreams!
That’s why this unique vision board kit allows you to tap into the future version of you – the one who already has everything you desire…
So you can easily stay in the frequency of your dreams, co-create with the Universe and accelerate your results!
Speed Up Your Manifestations With Our “Ignited Self” Vision Board Kit
A target sceptical BUT what if ?
Expectation is a vital part of the Law of Attraction, so you are off to a great start, John!
Mary, you’re such a guiding gem of light in this world. Your words have broken ugh me back to my unicorn center many times I’ve Vee the last ten years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would love to follow in your footsteps and be beaconing light for others as well!
*Brought me back to my unicorn center*
Thanks, I needed this so much now.
What if u r clinically depressed, on meds-and unable to picture that good will happen? Real life struggles have overwhelmed you. Claiming what feels impossible, feels disingenuous. Is the Universe so cruel, if u cant tick off certain boxes, u fail?
Life is cruel & so is the universe…feel the same way…pass or fail…sink or swim