Follow These Simple Problem-Solving Steps to Overcome Challenges with Ease!
“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking that created them.”– Albert Einstein
The most successful people know that sometimes the most difficult situations and the biggest challenges can only be overcome with a new perspective.
In fact, understanding the power in simply generating a new perspective can help you to overcome any circumstance, condition, or situation you may face!
But how? Like Einstein, understand that everything that exists within the Universe is made of energy.
Your thoughts are also made up of energy, and each thought you generate has an energetic frequency.
Think of your thoughts like stones thrown into a pond. Every time a thought is generated and tossed into the pond, it creates a ripple effect across the surface of the water.
The more time you spend ruminating on, thinking about, and obsessing over a problem, the more stones (thoughts) you generate. The more energy and attention you put into them, the larger they get. The larger they get, the bigger the ripple effect. And, the bigger the ripple effect, the longer that stone impacts the reality of the pond.
Like the stones thrown into the pond, when you find yourself faced with a challenging situation, examining, over thinking, and obsessing over the problem generates thoughts, actions, and results at the same frequency as the problem.
As long as you continue to generate thought at the same frequency as the problem, the more difficult it will be for you to create solutions, commit to a plan of action, and ultimately transcend the challenge.
You’ll know your problem requires a different perspective and you might be stuck in a problem-generating frequency when:
- You have a tough time thinking of possible solutions to the problem
- You’re stuck on one solution as the best way to move forward without the ability to be flexible or creative
- The problem is the only thing you’re able to think about (or all the things that could go wrong because of the problem)
- Hyper-focusing on the problem is preventing you from seeing the bigger picture or considering other perspectives
- Objectively small complications and potential obstacles feel like big challenges keeping you stuck
To face obstacles and overcome challenges with ease requires the right mindset- as Einstein says, you can’t think your way out of the problem using the same frequency that created the problem in the first place!
You can’t keep throwing the same rocks into the pond and expecting different ripples.
Overcoming challenges and solving problems requires a new way of thinking.
When a clear and easy solution to life’s challenges is not apparent, it’s a sign to change the frequency of your thinking.
Challenging yourself to change the way you view, think, and feel about the problem you’re facing opens the door to new, more empowering solutions to reach your desired result. Not to mention, the different ways you use to approach one tough situation can be applied to other, similar challenges in the future!
For example: Imagine you’ve just had an argument with your significant other.
As you sit and think about the argument after the fact, you might feel misunderstood, wronged, and even resentful.
The more you focus on the emotional reactions you’re having to the most recent argument, the more your mind will wander to similar circumstances from the past as a way of seeking validation.
Ruminating on these negative thoughts and past events will only add to the intensity of the emotions you feel about the current argument. Before you know it, you’ve lumped together a whole series of small problems that are unrelated to the current moment and created a bigger challenge than existed in the first place.
Chances are, you’ll probably have a hard time focusing on potential solutions to resolve the issue at hand and restore the love and connection in your relationship.
All the things that might guide you in the right direction for resolution- a positive attitude, a desire to mend the broken connection, curiosity about creative solutions, and empathy for your partner’s point of view- will be extraordinarily difficult to access in the frequency of the problem.
Problem solving on a higher frequency
In order to begin to access a higher frequency than the one that contributed to the problem you want to solve, it’s crucial to begin with the ultimate goal. Outside of the limitations of the problem at hand, what would you love to create?
In the example above, a great way to start would be to ask yourself: How would I love to feel in my relationship with my significant other? What kind of relationship are we committed to having?
A possible answer to this question might be:
“I want a relationship that values kindness, gratitude, and open communication.”
The next step is to ask yourself:
“What can I do right now to move closer to that result?”
For example, instead of ruminating on the hurt that may be lingering from the argument:
- Consider what you could be grateful for about your significant other in this moment
- Challenge yourself to find a different way to view the conflict that is rooted in the value of kindness
- Think of small steps you might be able to take to create space for clear and open communication about the argument
As you begin to consider new perspectives and pathways that directly support your end goal- that lend themselves to the type of relationship you would love- you’ll be inspired to take action that align with your desired result, and you’ll make space for your partner to feel safe enough to do the same.
Changing your thoughts, shifting your frequency, and being willing to look at your problems from a different perspective can change your reality!
Three steps to problem solving: How to think bigger than any challenge you may face
1. Align with the Universe
When you realize you’ve been investing your time and energy into thinking about a problem, remind yourself that you are more than your problems and you have access to resources to overcome any challenge.
Stop and say to that problem:
“There’s an energy and power in this Universe that is far bigger than you, and it’s on my side!”
2. Shift your thoughts
Next, shift your focus to the result you would love to experience in this situation. Imagine how it would look and feel to achieve that result. Close your eyes and visualize this version of reality if you can!
The most important thing is to gain as much clarity as you can about your desired, best-case-scenario outcome.
3. Open yourself to what you can do
As you begin investing the power of your attention in the direction of your desired outcome, the third and final step is to ask yourself:
“What can I do right now to move closer to that result?”
Then, choose from the solutions your mind begins to generate, and take an action, no matter how small.
Your action will amplify the energy of your focus, generating even more solutions and changing your results!
An important question for you…
What’s a circumstance, situation or condition that’s present in your life right now that you’re finding challenging or difficult?
What result would you actually love to create in this area, and what simple action can you take right now to move closer to that result?
Go ahead and leave your thoughts with me in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!
I would love to relocate my pediatric dental office to a place that makes it more convenient for parents, along with changing from paper office to all digital & bring gratitude for all the people who come to see me & my staff. I would love to feel the exact place for the new office.
I would love to have clarity and make decisions regarding retirement and where to live based on faith instead of fear. I do not know how to do this. I keep overthinking it and stay stuck.
Having more consultants join me in my health care business, understanding the power of network marketing.
Learning what to say to attract more people onto my team who I can help build their business and get all the health benefits at the same time!
A simple action I am taking is #1 make more phone calls and #2 enlist my mentors with more experience than I have, to assist me in calling and chatting with my prospective clients.
I would like to have food for the next two weeks which is when my pay arrives again.
Inspiring blog,Thanks for the post.
OMG Mary it makes sense, so well explained so well illustrated with examples, thank you for using Einstein,s theory; in a time when conscioussness is so valued, when thinking and energy are so linked; thank you for reminding me of the power of intention, frequency, and visualisation!
Thank you Mary!!!
Your article was delivered to me in the right time !!! I needed so much……?
I wish you all the best !!!
Wow mary that was powerful ive been studying growth mindset for 2 yrs and everything goes back to the way we think. Our thoughts.. i believe in the universe i just got to learn to let go & trust in myself & that it will all come together thk u
I have found your e-mails through sources unknown, and just stopped to read this one. Timing is everything and I am trying to create businesses similar to yours. Well done. A very useful message that will keep me coming back looking for that kind of inspiration or knowledge.
Finances. I’m almost at retirement age and have no savings. Living paycheck to paycheck. Very frightening.
My son, Christopher, will not speak to me. It has been years, with only a few intermittent texts. He is a beautiful, loving young man. I miss him so very badly. I believe he feels that I do not measure up to his standards. I reach out to him often. No response.
I am trying to develop a software application and I find it challenging since I am developing the app with difficulties and now I am blocked in a particular step and I can’t solve it since 3 days.. Feel very sad and disapointed about me