A Simple Way To Rewire Your Subconscious Mind, Change Your Life and Ignite Transformation
Today we’re diving into the world of affirmations, so you can incorporate these powerful spiritual tools into your daily life…
And ignite change in a simple, effortless way.
Let’s get started!
What Are Spiritual Affirmations
Spiritual affirmations are powerful statements that help you align your mind and spirit with your highest good. Sometimes they’re called “spiritual I am affirmations” because they’re written in the first person.
These quotes serve as gentle reminders of your inner power and your connection to the energy of the universe. They help you uplift your soul and set a positive tone, much like a morning prayer or meditation that connects you to your higher power.

How To Use Daily Affirmations
Using daily spiritual affirmations is simple yet transformative.
Begin by choosing a few affirmations that resonate deeply with your current journey. Repeat these statements each day – perhaps as part of your morning routine, while enjoying your first cup of coffee, or during a quiet moment of reflection. Picture the words filling you with love and light, guiding your actions and thoughts throughout the day, like a steady compass pointing toward your dreams.
Why Positive Spiritual Affirmations Work
Spiritual positive affirmations work because they reprogram your subconscious mind, shifting your energy to align with your desires and spiritual growth.
By consciously choosing a positive vibration, you tune into divine guidance and the support of the Universe into your life – making it easier to trust in the divine plan and embrace your journey with grace.
Spiritual Affirmations To Get Started
- There is a power within me that is greater than any circumstance, situation, or condition
- I have the power to create the life I desire
- I get to write my own life story
- I trust the next chapter, because I’m the author
- I experience miracles every single day
- If I can think of it, I’m deserving of it
- I think boldly and I act bravely
- I choose to notice my blessings and be grateful for them
- No matter what my dream is, I can do it. I have the power to create anything I want in my life
- I am are far more powerful than I know
- I am worthy of my dreams
- I focus on the goodness in my life, so I create more of it
- The Universe is on my side
- My life is filled with abundance, and I am thankful
- I have abundance in all areas of my life
- I am a powerful creator and I am creating the life of my dreams
- I embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow
- I make brave and empowered choices because I know I am always supported
- Mistakes are stepping stones toward my success and improvement
- Every challenge contains the seed of a greater benefit
- My life is full and happy. I want for nothing
- I receive everything I need in perfect, divine timing
- I trust that today is bringing me closer to achieving my dreams
- I choose positive thoughts and positive outcomes for myself
- I deserve love exactly as I am
- I am not defined by my past. I create my future through my actions and mindset
- I am happy and content in all my relationships
- I am grateful for the gift of a new day
- I focus on progress, not perfection, and celebrate every step forward
- Unexpected solutions come to me whenever I need them
- I choose to find something good in every day
- Every day, in every way I am getting better and better
- Every day I am one step closer to realizing my dreams
- Gratitude is my default state of mind
- I love money
- My gratitude is a magnet for positive energy and new opportunities
- Money flows abundantly in my life
- I have time and money freedom to be of service to others and live into my purpose
- I am worthy of love and I am always attracting supportive relationships into my life
- I am resilient in the face of adversity and bounce back stronger than before
- I am grateful for the gift of a new day
- I can buy all of the things my family wants or needs with ease
- I do what I can, from where I am, with what I have
- My potential is limitless
- I am thankful for the gift of health and well-being
- My cup always overflows
- I am grateful for the gift of waking up this morning
- I am grateful for the laughter and joy in my life
- Opportunities come to me easily
- I am supported by a power greater than me, that is breathing me right now
- I am worthy of success and am capable of achieving my goals
- I am grateful for the love and support of those around me
- There is more than enough time and money for me to do anything I want
- I attract positive things and people in my life each day
- My dreams are the compass guiding me towards my true potential
- I transform fear into fuel for my journey
- I embrace the power within myself to be, do, have, and give anything my hearts desires
- The universe conspires to help me achieve my dreams
- Every step I take in the direction of my dreams brings me closer to a life I love
- My vision is a promise of what I can achieve
- I have the determination and everything it takes to move forward
- When I align with my purpose, the world opens up to infinite possibilities
- I live each day with intention, and let my actions reflect my highest aspirations
- My thoughts are the seeds that will blossom into my dreams
- I choose to believe I can change my life
- Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise, inviting me to rise to new heights
- I harness the energy of my passion and let it propel me towards my goals
- In every moment, I hold the power to rewrite my story and create a brighter future
- The path to my dreams may not always be clear, but every step forward brings clarity
- Transformation begins the moment I decide to pursue my dreams
- I embrace the adventure of making my dreams come true
- My life is a masterpiece in progress
- My journey is unique; I embrace it and walk confidently towards my destiny
- Every moment holds the potential for a breakthrough
- I pursue my dreams with an open heart
- My daily choices and actions are the foundation of my success
- I visualize my success and step into the reality I desire
- With every challenge I overcome, I become stronger and more resilient
- I trust the timing of my life. Everything unfolds as it should
- I listen to my inner wisdom; it knows the way to my dreams
- I believe in my ability to create the life I want
- I choose to do great things today
- My body responds to my healing thoughts, and I radiate health & vitality
- I deserve to invest in myself at the highest level
- Wealth is all around me and I easily obtain all I ever want
- I am thankful for my ability to learn and grow each day
- I have a great impact on the world around me and give freely to every charity I love
- It is safe to feel and express my emotions to those who care about me
- I find the positive perspective in every situation
- I am grateful for all of the financial blessings in my life
- I am loved
- I am kind and others are kind to me
- I embrace the unknown, as it holds potential for exciting growth and learning
- I am grateful for the unfolding journey of my life and what is yet to come
- I attract great wealth and I use it to improve my life and the lives of others
- I have every quality I need to achieve success
- I am surrounded by people who want to see me succeed
- My success is inevitable
- Challenges are invitations to become the best version of myself
- I appreciate the little moments that bring me joy
- I am thankful for the lessons that have shaped my character and the person I am becoming
- I am thankful for the unique gifts and talents I possess.
- More money than I can ever spend pours into my bank account
- I am seen, heard, and valued in all of my relationships
- I choose positive thoughts and positive outcomes for myself
- I choose to trust the process of life
- I am safe and supported now and always
- I am proud of myself for doing my best today
- I am grateful for today and looking forward to an even better tomorrow
- I am grateful for all that I have even as I am receiving even more than I thought possible
- I receive everything I need in perfect, divine timing
Create Lasting, Deeper Transformation Starting Today
Affirmations are one of my favorite ways to spark changes – but if you want to manifest transformation in your life even faster, I have a special gift for you:
The “3 Keys to Living an Extraordinary Life” Masterclass
Inside this free masterclass, you’ll learn the foundational principles of my proven, reliable system of transformation – so you can start creating your dream life today.
If you’d love to ignite deeper, lasting transformation…
Watch the masterclass right here!

I love these affirmations. They really do have the ability to shift my energy and knowing they are there to read as a start to my day shores me up! Thank you Mary. ❤️ You changed my life a few years ago and I’m still loving my journey.
Thank You! 🙏
hard to believe any of those affirmations are true for me. I’m 64 and have survived hell, I’m trying to be grateful but I cannot believe how I’ve managed to screw up everything in my life. is it too late to hope for a future?
Thank you for sharing so vulnerably, Beth. We believe that every person is more powerful and contains more potential than any circumstance, situation, or condition… and it’s never too late to take steps to create a life we love. I’d invite you to consider focusing on the fact that you HAVE survived, and consider trying out some of these affirmations, even if only a small part of you believes they could be true.