One of the most important steps to achieve your goals and dreams this year is to kick fear out of the driver’s seat of life!
Here’s a short story of how I did precisely that.
As we launch into a new year, many of us are looking for inspiration and opportunities to take the necessary steps to achieve our goals. Many of us also set New Year’s resolutions in hopes of fulfilling our dreams.
Would you love to turn around a year from now and say that this year was actually the very best year of your life?
“Do I have what it takes to take the steps to achieve my goals?”
A few years ago, I was on vacation in Mexico with my children and their families, and we rented four-wheel ATVs to take on a short trek across some nearby sand dunes, eventually ending up at a beach.
Being that I was afraid of crashing my ATV, I really wasn’t interested in going on this trek! But I decided to go anyway to spend time with my kids.
As we came close to the beach, I decided to stop at the top of the last sand dune. My children continued down onto the beach, and I thought, “I’ll just watch the sunset from up here.” The truth is, it was a bit of a steep decline to go down to the beach, and I was afraid of crashing.
How many times in your life have you really wanted to do something but didn’t?
My youngest son Mat turned around and drove up to me at the top of the sand dune and asked, “What’s going on?” I told him I was perfectly fine right where I was. I was just going to stay up on the sand dune and watch the sunset.
Mat looked at me, immediately knowing that I was giving energy to my fears, and he said,
“Mom, don’t let fear win!”
I looked at him and wanted to say “Who raised you?” because many times in our household growing up I had said the same things to him! But, realizing he was right, I made my way down the sand dune and onto the beach.
When it was time to head back, my kids and their spouses sped up the sand dune on their ATVs. But when I tried to go up the sand dune, I kept slipping back down. I couldn’t seem to get up!
On my 12th attempt to get up the sand dune, my wonderful son-in-law, Jorge, came over to me and whispered in my ear…
“Momma, you have power you are not using. Take your foot off the brake!”
At that moment, I realized that as I tried to drive up the sand dune, out of fear, I kept unconsciously putting my foot on the brake… which kept causing me to slide all the way back down the hill to my starting point.
With those words, my son-in-law helped me maneuver that moment when I was afraid and leaned in instead of pullback. And before I knew it, I made my way to the top of the sand dune, with my kids cheering me on!
“I have power I’m not using, take your foot off the brake!”
Over time this became my inner mantra.
The truth is, there’s a power within each one of us that’s far greater than any circumstance, situation or condition we will ever find ourselves in.
The relationship we have with this power grows over time if we decide to cultivate it.
The power within us can be unleashed, harnessed, and brought into the experience of the dream we are holding for ourselves in our own hearts.
I’ve learned over the years that when I feel afraid, rather than contract and pull back, I can choose to lean in at least a little bit… and take steps to partner with that power that knows how to go forward, even when I don’t.
So, I want to wish you your best New Year in celebration, rejuvenation, renewal, and resolution-setting!
And most of all, I wish for you that this year, you come to know deeper and more fully and profoundly than ever before that you do have a power within you that’s stronger than any circumstance, and that you too can take your foot off the brake!
The Universe is trying to tell you something… are you listening?
Do you want to make quicker, better decisions, motivated by intuition, courage, and love? If so, download my free ebook Stronger Than Circumstances.
Download this free ebook now!
Part 1 from our New Years series: Evaluating Goals for the new year.
Dear Mary,
Happy New Year to you also!
My problem, at least in part, is that I still do not know what I really want, to use Bob Proctor’s way of putting it. The other part, is that I always feel that the grass may be greener over there, so to speak, but am not too sure of that either! In other words, on the one hand, I don’t know what I want, but on the other, I don’t know if the alternatives are any better!
I have watched lots of your videos and those of Bob Proctor too, but these two issues are still my main stumbling block I think.
Best wishes and thank you.
Mary, As always your messages uplift me. I have enjoyed our connections for over 15 years now, thank you for being you and sharing your gifts with me and the world.
Thank you for your short video it’s very inspiring and created a feeling inside me that reminds me that life is just amazing and the messages that you get given by the universe come in many different forms.
Last year was an extremely tough year for me as I am going through a period of transition with my life, so I have had to address a number of things.
2018 will be amazing. Things I am looking forwards to achieving with ease as plans are now in place
– Selling my home of 20 years with my ex partner
– Competing the agreement of monies with my ex partner
– Purchasing a beautiful new home myself for me and my daughters
– completion of the sale of my Accountancy practice which has been running since 2005
– completing training of a coaching course which I started in 2016 so I will be a qualified certified master Coach in NLP, Hynotherapy and 3 Principles
– Finding out how I will use my newly acquired Coaching Qualification to make a difference to others lives.
– Most importantly taking the foot of the brake to move forwards and enjoy a life that is fun, healthy, simpler, and rewarding.
Thank you ! A good one to keep in ones heart and to remind oneself of over and over again. A Happy New Year !
Mary you are a great woman, I truly mean it and I wish I had discovered you before.
Oh thank you Mary, I need to take my foot off the brake when it comes to speaking my truth.
Pleased to hear from you in Beyond The Secret about ” Baby Steps” to change. Thank you.
This was sent to me by a friend. Very inspiring.. thank you
The best inspiration to get the New Year started in a powerful and passionate way! Thank you Mary! You are amazing!
I love your story, and I will use it when ever I fell unsure of moving forward with something.
Thank you Mary!
Dream Building is my Devotion I have created a teaching Program for people to live the life they Love through Storytelling , Movement. Music ‘and Props I can’t wait for you to read my Kindle Books created from my life work. I just moved back to the Adirondack Mountains after 40 years in Boston developing and designing this power♥️I am ready to launch my life in my creativity….I am taking the foot off the break and sharing this Journey with ALL♥️❤️???? my 2018 Gift to the World!!!! Thank you for your inspiration ?
My goal is to finish writing and illustrating my graphic novel.
Thank you, Mary. Very applicable for my best year yet, 2018.
Thank you Mary! I look forward to working with you this year! I truly was blessed by listening to your message “Create 2018 I Love!”
I loved the video and the workshop, in gratitude, Rosàngela
Great story. It is worth remembering it as we go through life.
What a great and easy way to remember not to let fear hold you back! I let fear hold me back more than I realize and the next time I hear myself saying “oh, I didn’t want to do that anyway” or something similar, that will be the time to reflect. Do I want it or am I just being afraid? Thank you, Mary!
Hi Mary, you’re very inspirational?.You speak about your experiences with kindness & optimism. ? hope you have a awesome 2018
You are a visionary
Thanks for the inspiration. Happy New Year to you all.
Thank you Mary! That really inspired me….and I’ll be whispering in my own ears those words when feel fear is holding me back!!! Love you!! Robin?