Create The Life Of Your Dreams Using This Simple Yet Powerful Strategy
There’s a simple formula that can make all the difference between feeling energized, thrilled to start your day, fulfilling your purpose in life… or waking up feeling lost, dreading your day, and drained.
It allows you to live your purpose and experience life fully, instead of missing out on life, going through the motions — almost feeling like a passenger in your own life.
This practice is so simple, that I was able to apply it when I was 18 years old, in an intensive care unit, confined to a hospital bed… with no prior training or experience.
And it is so powerful, that it actually saved my life.
When you incorporate this formula into your routine, it will help you break free from the chains of old habits and patterns that keep you living a life you don’t fully love.
It allows you to escape the hamster wheel of old results — unlocking the full potential that lies within you, to achieve anything you would love.
This formula is the key to finding fulfillment, purpose and creating a life you would love living.
But before I go into the details, let me share with you the story of how I learned this powerful formula for the very first time…
How I got a second chance in life
At this point you may be thinking, “How did you come up with this formula? Did you find it in a book somewhere?”
Actually, the strategy found me!
Back in my high school years, I was the homecoming princess, class vice president, I enjoyed great academic success… I had a whole life of bright possibilities ahead of me!
But in the spring of my junior year, I got pregnant.
In my family, it was like a tragedy had occurred. My mother cried for me as if I had died.
I also got kicked out of my high school, ostracized from my circle of friends and put into a night-school for pregnant girls and delinquent boys.
After giving birth to my son John and having endured long months of deep emotional pain, I became fatally ill and was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease. In 1966, without dialysis or transplants, it was the equivalent of a death sentence. My whole world crumbled beneath my feet.
Doctors gave me six months to live… and schedule me to go through a delicate surgery to remove one of my kidneys, which was completely damaged.
The night before my surgery, a woman I had never met before visited me in my hospital bed. She told me she was a chaplain and offered to pray with me that night.
Scared, alone and overwhelmed, I said yes.
But what she did looked nothing like any sort of prayer I knew.
She pulled a chair next to my bed and asked me a question that would change the course of my life.
The most powerful question you can ask yourself…
It was at this turning point in my life that she shared with me the same strategy I’m about to share with you today.
Before we began, she told me she absolutely believed this formula would heal me.
I was skeptical, but since she was the only person that gave me any kind of hope about living, I decided to follow her advice and listen to what she had to say.
The first thing she told me was “Mary, wanting to live is not a big enough dream. You want to live so you can do something with your life. You have told me about the things you don’t want…”
And at that moment, she applied the first step of this formula.
She asked me the most powerful question you could ever ask yourself:
“What would you love your life to be like?”
Right then, I was able — for the first time in a very long time — to expand my awareness beyond my physical and emotional pain, and start contemplating what I would love to do with my life.
She helped me imagine three parts of a life I would love to live, and create specific images of what my future life would look like.
She guided me in crafting a crystal-clear vision of my dream.
Once we created this vision, she took me on a journey in my imagination. She said:
“Imagine you take your little boy to kindergarten, and you feel the warmth of his hand in your hand. He’s happy to go to kindergarten, and you’re right there with him.
You hear the clacking of your heels while you turn around the corner, and you arrive to the class you are teaching, now that you graduated as a school teacher.
Now fast forward some years later, and you’re in an auditorium, so proud to be attending your son’s high school graduation. You hear them calling his name, and he steps into the stage, waiving his newly obtained diploma, his smile lighting up his face!
And finally, you’re attending a wedding, and you’re the mother of the groom. Your son is marrying the love of his life! You feel deeply grateful, and happy to share this moment with him. Your teaching career is also flourishing…”
How to manifest your vision into reality
As you see, these images are not only very detailed, vivid pictures of the life I wanted to live at that point in my life…
They also form a progression, a trajectory of how I envisioned my dream life to unfold.
But just creating a vision once and then forgetting about it is simply not enough.
Once you have a crystal-clear vision of your dream, there’s one more thing to do…
“Keep doing that” – as the chaplain told me that night.
Keep revisiting the images of your dream life every day, as many times as possible. This is the second step of this practice: repetition!
Let the sensations and emotions of your vision fill your body, and hold this emotional state as long as you can.
Visualize these images not as something that is missing in your life. Instead, see everything in your mind’s eye as if you already had it. As if you were just “remembering” what you did in a day of your dream life.
By holding these images in your mind, and feeling as if you already had those results, your vibration will start to shift.
Every time you keep your focus on the life you would love, your vibration will become a greater match to the results you want. This is the key to attracting those results and manifesting them into your life.
After my surgery, I went home and practiced envisioning my future just like the chaplain instructed me. Little by little, my health stabilized, and five months later my doctors were astounded.
The science at the time didn’t have any answers regarding my life-changing healing. “Whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it” – they said.
But now I know better. This two-step strategy allows you to hold the frequency of your dreams, and shift your vibration to match it.
In my case, I first used it to heal from a critical illness (almost a death sentence at the time). Since then, I have continued to use it to manifest all sorts of results: in my career path, in my time and money freedom, and nurturing relationships.
There is no limit as to what you can achieve once you start applying this formula. You will be astounded at the results you can get, and how fast they manifest into your life!
The thing is, that even though this formula is deceptively simple, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy to put into practice.
Crafting a vision of your dream in a way that you can communicate your desires to the infinite side of your nature, and hold that vibration for extended periods of time can be challenging.
For many people, even answering the question “What would I love?” proves quite difficult!
We’ve been so conditioned to look for the negative side of things, and we’re so used to focusing on what we don’t want, that our mind goes blank when asked about the life you would love to live.
And even if you craft a crystal-clear vision of your dream, the ups and downs of everyday life make it difficult to stick to a regular practice.
That’s why I created a special gift to help you transform your life using this formula. It’s a relaxing guided meditation where in 13 minutes you will easily craft a crystal-clear vision of your ideal life.
Download your FREE guided meditation here.
With this meditation, you can actually start tuning into the frequency of your dream life today. You will go beyond just wanting to live it, to actually bringing into reality a life you would absolutely love living.
It will not only help you clarify what your dream life looks like, but it also makes it simple to apply this formula regularly: all you have to do is close your eyes, relax and listen to it every day.
So if you have felt that something is missing in your life, but can’t quite figure out what it is, or if you have wanted to create a change for a long time but feel stuck, this meditation is for you.
Click the link below and start creating your dream life today!
Thank you Marry,
Mary, I find you the most wonerdful and sincere women of our times. It’s easy to trust you.
Thank you for everything.