If you’ve ever wanted to improve your financial situation, chances are you’ve tried plenty of solutions to fix your outward reality– budgets, self-help books, saving tools, a brand new financial plan…
Maybe you even cut up your credit cards and swore you were finally going to get your finances in order.
But, what if I told you that your internal reality might hold the key to all of your financial goals?
While establishing good financial habits is important, a healthy money mindset is equally as important!

Why does the right mindset matter when it comes to financial abundance?
We live in a universe that is governed by invisible laws that influence everything we do or do not have.
You may have heard of the Law of Attraction, the Law of Abundance, and others. These laws are ever-present, unchanging truths designed to guide us to live to our highest potential.
Our mindset is rooted in our beliefs. It influences the way we think and how we behave in our everyday lives. How our mindset works with or against the laws of the universe determines our results.
Think of mindset as the way we interface with the laws that govern our human experience.
If we want to change our results, we first have to change our mindset.
That means if you want to achieve your money goals, the first step is to address your money mindset.
By determining how your mindset is interacting with the laws of the universe when it comes to money, you can create a new money mindset.
That new mindset then helps us make better choices and experience results more aligned with the abundance and financial freedom we desire.
How do you know what your current money mindset is?
We all have a money story — good or bad, right or wrong.
If you want to experience the power of an abundance mindset, you must first discover what money mindset blocks and paradigms are hidden in your money story.
A paradigm is any system of beliefs instilled in you, usually during childhood, about what kind of place the world is, what you think you’re capable of, and what you think you deserve. Your paradigms can be either constrictive or expansive.
Your personal money story is woven together from your unique set of beliefs about money, your past experiences, the core beliefs passed to you from your family, as well as the cultural and societal norms you grew up with.
At Brave Thinking Institute, we teach people to identify the constrictive paradigms that are keeping them from creating a life they love in four categories:
- Fear of being fundamentally flawed
- Fear of loyalty and abandonment
- Fear of the burden of success
- Fear of outshining
Chances are, your money mindset blocks fall into one or more of those categories– and identifying them can help you make the shifts you need for a positive effect on your current money reality.
To start the process of identifying your specific money blocks, jump over to my Abundance Masterclass, where I discuss the three money mindset blocks I see people struggle with most often and how to clear them, or see if you resonate with any of the examples in each category below:
1. The Fear of Being Fundamentally Flawed
The fear of being fundamentally flawed is a common paradigm. It is usually a limiting belief rooted in the idea that there is something too wrong with you to have or experience what you would love.
Examples of money blocks rooted in the fear of being fundamentally flawed:
- I’m not good enough to have the success I want
- I’m not smart enough / educated enough to get a job that pays well.
- I can’t be trusted with money. I never make good financial decisions.
- I don’t have what it takes to overcome my financial mistakes.
2. The Fear of Loyalty and Abandonment
Beliefs in this category are rooted in the fear that if you were to have what you would love, it would negatively impact the people you care about, their opinions about you, or your relationships with them.
Examples of money blocks rooted in the fear of loyalty and abandonment:
- If I were wealthy, my family and friends would always ask me for money and be upset if I said no.
- All rich people are greedy, and if I were rich people would think I was greedy.
- If I had a lot of money, people would only want to be close to me because of my wealth.
- If I were wealthy, my family and friends would reject me. I wouldn’t be “one of them” anymore.
- If I have plenty of money, I’ll lose child support income. My ex would be off the hook and leave for good.
3. The Fear of the Burden of Success
The fear of the burden of success refers to limiting beliefs related to the extra responsibility or additional challenges that may come with having what you would love.
Examples of money blocks rooted in the fear of the burden of success:
- If I had as much money as I wanted, I’d have to spend all of my time managing it.
- When I have more money I’ll just have to pay even more taxes.
- If I achieve financial independence, no one will take care of me anymore. I’ll have to do everything myself.
- Wealthy people always have to give up the things that are important to them for their money.
- Money is the root of all evil. I can’t be a good person and have a lot of money.
4. The Fear of Outshining
The fear of outshining refers to paradigms that are rooted in a fear of how your success will make the people around you feel.
Examples of money blocks rooted in the fear of outshining:
- If I achieve financial success, my family will be jealous I have a better life.
- My friends will feel bad if I’m more successful than they are.
- If I am wealthy, people will assume I think I’m better than them.
- My partner will feel threatened if I reach my full potential and make more money than they do.
- My big goals are selfish. No one needs that much money.
One of the paradigms that I had to address on my financial journey was the belief that life was happening to me.
I believed that I was powerless (a fear of being fundamentally flawed), and all I could do was react to the realities and circumstances I was facing.
Until I learned that life was happening for me, my financial mindset — and therefore my money-generating potential — was limited.
A positive money mindset starts here
If you are cultivating an abundance mindset, no matter what your specific paradigms may be, it starts with this truth: Money is inherently neutral.
None of us want more money for the sake of having more rectangular pieces of paper. We don’t want more money for the sake of seeing a higher number when we check the bank account.
We desire money for the powerful tool it can be in our lives.
Money enables us to experience more ease and comfort. It empowers us to do more good things for the people we care about. It lets us have more meaningful life experiences. It gives us the ability to prepare for the future needs of our loved ones and children, without stress.
Money is a symbol of our freedom.
And in and of itself, money is a neutral tool. It is bound by the laws of the universe just like everything else we have or do not have.
As you consider your own money paradigms, I challenge you to get curious about what it might feel like to remove any morality you may have been taught to apply to money.
The truth is, money is no more good, bad, right, or wrong than a hammer and a box of nails.
Both can be used for life-giving creation. And both can be used for destruction.
And still, I know that your current experience may feel very different from this truth about money.
So what can you do to shift your money mindset?
Addressing Your Negative Thought Patterns: The truth vs. the facts
The right money mindset for financial abundance is achieved one small change at a time. It starts with understanding the difference between truth and facts.
Facts are a description of a particular time and space. Facts can be measured, and most importantly, they can change.
For example, if you were to check your bank account right now, the balance you see represents a fact. It is objectively, measurably accurate.
But you and I both know that number can change– and probably will!
Truth, on the other hand, is unchanging, infinite, and eternal. Truth is not changed by facts.
When you begin to differentiate between the truth about money and the temporary facts of your current financial situation, you can begin to shift your money paradigms from constrictive to expansive.
As you identify your specific money blocks, you can choose a more expansive mindset:
- First acknowledge that you are spirit and that your spiritual makeup is perfect. There is nothing that can happen in life that can ever tarnish, harm, or take away the truth of who you are.
- Next, acknowledge that there may be some facts in your life that are a challenge and causing difficulty. These facts, and your feelings about them, are real and valid. But those facts cannot harm the spirit in you. External circumstances do not have power over you.
- Recognize what constrictive paradigms you are holding that may be contributing to your current facts. Consider your thoughts and feelings about money, your financial situation, and wealth. Look for statements that feel or sound limiting, absolute statements (like “always” and “never”), and statements rooted in fear.
- Reframe the constrictive paradigms you find by reminding yourself that facts can (and do) change. Practice identifying the truth that supersedes the facts of your current, temporary experience.
Our goal is not to bypass or ignore the reality of whatever financial struggles you may be experiencing right now. Instead, we want to shift your mindset and challenge your constrictive paradigms so that you can work with the laws of the universe to create abundance, not against them.
How to reframe your money mindset paradigms
Reframing your constrictive money paradigms takes practice. Remember, most of your limiting beliefs around money were instilled in childhood. They may come up when you least expect them or without you consciously choosing to think about them.
Whenever you do notice a constrictive thought or feeling coming up around money, ask yourself:
- Does this thought reflect the current, temporary facts of my situation, or the truth?
- Is this thought helping me create what I would love in my life?
If the thought in question reflects facts rather than the truth, or it is not in support of creating the life you would love, choose a new, positive thought.
Challenge yourself to create a thought that both reflects the truth and supports the life you would love.
For example, if you catch yourself thinking, “I have too much debt. I’ll never get out of the red.”
Acknowledge that thought and choose a true, more aligned thought: “Even though I do have debt right now, I know that it is temporary. I am grateful I had that resource when I needed it. I live in an abundant universe and I am supported in all the ways that I need.”
If you realize that you believe you aren’t good with money, you might practice reminding yourself, “I am smart and capable. I am always learning to do new things. Money is an abundant tool in my life and I am learning to use it well.”
If you catch yourself thinking, “Wanting more money is selfish, especially when there are people in the world going without”, try reminding yourself, “I attract great wealth so that I can improve my life and the lives of others. The more resources I have, the bigger the positive impact I can make.”
Choosing new, positive thoughts like these will help you maintain a mindset that is healthier, more positive, and more productive!
Practicing positive affirmations to reframe your constrictive paradigms helps to reprogram your mind. By doing so, you can eliminate some of these negative, low vibration beliefs that prevent you from succeeding.
As you practice this skill, you’ll find that your old beliefs come up less and less.
*Try this: Using the examples above, take a few moments and write down all of the limiting, constrictive money paradigms you’re holding. Then, next to each limiting belief, write a new, positive money affirmation that reflects the truth and supports your vision for a life you would love. Keep this list as reference as you move through your day-to-day, practicing your chosen beliefs whenever constrictive thoughts, feelings, or worries pop up.
Removing abundance blocks with ease
Affirmations like these are one of the most powerful tools you can use to break through the false paradigms that block your financial success!
The new mindset you create will bring new opportunities, blessings, and abundance into your life.
If you’re looking for a way to boost your ability to remove those abundance blocks and take your money mindset to a whole new level, I’d love to invite you to my free Abundance Masterclass.
Here, you’ll learn what the three most common abundance blocks are and how to eliminate them from your life for good.
With the right tools and affirmations, financial abundance can flow into your life with ease.
I want be happy everyday of life.