The Science Behind One of the Most Important Steps to Achievement
Would you love to achieve more goals in 2019 than you’ve ever achieved in any other year?
Accomplishing every goal you set this year is absolutely attainable!
You see, each of us is worthy of any goal we can conceive, because life has deemed us worthy. And do you know HOW we know that we’re worthy of a life we would love living?
Because we’re breathing.
Life itself called us into existence and is seeking to express ever-freer, fuller expanded versions of itself by means of itself.
It presses into the edges of a tree to be a better tree. It presses into you and me to become better versions of ourselves – and to never give up on reaching for our goals.
When it comes to goal setting and actually reaching your goals, one of the most important steps is to write them down.
Here are three reasons why writing down your goals actually increases your odds of achieving them.
1. Writing improves your encoding process
Encoding is a biological process by which the things we see travel to our brain where they’re analyzed. From there, decisions are made about what’s stored in our long-term memory and what’s thrown out.
Writing builds stronger neural pathways in the brain by bringing together both our right (creative) brain and our left (logical) brain. The energy or vibration of our written words then gets carried through the fluid that surrounds the brain and up and down the spinal cord, eventually becoming impressed in the subconscious mind.
Simply put, when you write down your goals, you have a much greater chance of not only remembering them, but you’ve impressed them into your subconscious, which means they are basically imprinted into your being.
2. Written goals demand clarity
If one of your goals is to move into your dream house this year, it’s not enough to visit the best architect in your city and say, “I want a better house than the one I have.” No matter how much money you have, they wouldn’t be able to build you a better house than the one you have, because they would have no idea what the word “better” means to you.
A more effective way to ensure you reach this goal is to describe exactly what you want. For example, you would tell the architect the desired square footage for your master bedroom, or you would say you want a kitchen island that’s big enough for 20 people.
So think in terms of specifics. What’s important to you? Then write it down.
When you write down your goals, you strengthen the image of your goal in your mind, which helps you to communicate more effectively with the Infinite side of your nature.
This will help you generate more ideas for HOW to bring about your dream or goal.
I’ll use the Internet as an analogy.
One time, I typed into Google, “Movie theaters in Seaside.” The only thing was that there are several Seasides in the world! Once I typed Seaside, Oregon, the information I was looking for immediately appeared.
Now, you’re not going to the Internet for your dreams and goals – you’re going to the Infinite, and the Infinite knows all things. Your job is to be crystal clear about what you want so the Infinite can bring alignment between you and the vision you hold.
“I wish I’d read this eBook years ago.”
It’s called Stronger Than Circumstance, because I believe that each one of us (including you, dear reader) is far more powerful, and contains more potential than ANY circumstance, situation, or condition.
3. Simply thinking about doing something is not the same as actually acting on it
So you’ve imagined your goal and you’ve encoded it into your brain by writing it down. The words you’ve written are very clear. You have a vibrational match, which gives you access to the Infinite side of your nature.
The next step is to bring everything together by taking daily action.
What’s important to note here is that taking daily action doesn’t mean you must spend all day building your dreams. You’ve got a life to live, people to see and places to go! Taking daily action means taking one baby step a day.
For example, maybe your first baby step to designing your dream house is to make a very specified list of what you’d love to have.
Keep this in mind: The achievement of your goals depends on your daily baby steps.
Many amazing goals, that in the beginning seemed impossible, have been accomplished by taking daily baby steps. In fact, daily goal achievement produces yearly goal achievement.
It’s not too late to make 2019 the best year of your life!
If you want to achieve more goals in 2019 than you ever have in any year, start now by envisioning what you really want. Write down what you see, and be very specific. Then determine the exact baby steps you can take each day to move you in the direction of your goal – and TAKE DAILY ACTION.
There is something you can do in just five minutes today that’ll move you closer toward your goal.
So what’s one baby step you can take today to move you in the direction of your goal?
Go ahead and share your thoughts with me in the comment section below??????
Want 3 simple and effective mental strategies to let go of doubt and fear so you can continue moving in the direction of your goals and dreams?
There may be several reasons you’re not doing what it takes to reach your goals – time constraints, habits, routine or doubt.
The good news is that YOU have the power and YOU can change your results, starting today!
All it takes is a proven strategy for getting unstuck and being motivated to take steps toward your goal.
My eBook, Stronger Than Circumstances, will reveal the secret behind the invisible laws that can get you unstuck and on track to living the life of your dreams. You’ll learn how to direct your thoughts to empower you, instead of pulling you back to your old way of life!
Viaxyl Muscle
Hello.This article was extremely motivating, particularly because I was
browsing for thoughts on this issue last Saturday.
Janet Connors
Thank you Mary, I wrote my goals in January after listening to Bob Proctor and just now because of your words about being specific, I just wrote details of our dream home! Moon exposed master bedroom being very important:-)