Could these 5 things be the reason he disappeared off the face of the earth? Discover 5 common behaviors of women that pull the brakes on an otherwise perfect connection!
A lot of the time, women can show subtle behaviors on dates that actually STOP men from wanting to pursue a relationship, or even give the connection a chance to grow.
If a man sees any of these subtle behaviors on a date, it can ruin something beautiful developing — because he’s wary of who he thinks you might be!
That’s why today, I’m going to share 5 subtle red flags that scare great men away…

If you notice any of the red flags I’m about to share embedded in your behavior, ask yourself, is this who I really am? Or is this getting in the way of who I truly am?
Note: It’s important to be aware that this information is not meant to change who you are — quite the contrary! The most important principle here is to be true to yourself, to give an accurate impression, and to find someone who loves you for who you really are.
Let’s take a look at red flag number one…
1. Rejecting compliments
Try not to reply with something like:
“It’s really not that impressive, both my parents are doctors.”
Remember that you are an amazing, high-value woman!
Own how amazing you are! The best way to receive a compliment is to simply say “Thank You!”
2. Being too self-critical
You’re on a date, talking about all the things he’s been doing to keep busy. You’re really quite impressed, and before you know it, the following words slip out of your mouth:
“Wow, compared to you, my life is so boring — I really need to get some hobbies!”
Can you see the issue here? It’s the self-criticism that assumes something is wrong. A little self-deprecation is charming, but too much becomes a turn-off because self-criticism signals low self-esteem!
Instead of responding by criticizing yourself, know what makes you a great catch, know what you love about life, and focus on those things instead!
3. Focusing too much on appearance
I can’t tell you how many guys have this exact story…
It goes something like this: “I’m on a date with a woman, and there’s a mirror within eye-shot. The woman is constantly more engaged with the mirror than the date. She’s checking herself out, fixing her hair, adjusting her outfit. It comes across as being self-absorbed or even superficial. And that’s highly unattractive.”
Sometimes it might not even be something in the room that gives this impression…
It might be the things the woman says! For example, when talking about friends, she might mention the cars they drive, the expensive vacations they’ve been on, or the ritzy places they’ve stayed. It comes across as boastful and materialistic.
Now chances are, you’re not the type of woman who would do this, but it’s good to be mindful of giving the false impression of being self absorbed. It can make your man feel as though you aren’t genuine!
4. Being irritable with others
One of the best ways you can show your character is by demonstrating how you treat others in the small moments of life. When a woman gets irritated with small things, that signals a BIG red flag to many men — they’ll be thinking: “If she’s getting this worked up over small stuff, what’s going to happen during the big moments in life?”
Being kind, patient and compassionate are highly attractive traits to great men! Try to foster a positive outlook and don’t sweat the small stuff!
5. Checking your phone on a date
Your attention is the most valuable, precious asset you have on a date.
Early dates are when we are supposed to be on our best behavior, so if you are checking texts in the middle of conversation, he’s going to be thinking: “What’s the relationship going to be like if she can’t pay attention now?”
One of the most powerful moves you can make to help the man you’re with feel important, is to actually ignore a text or a call that’s coming in and prioritize him instead.
That said, if you are expecting an important text that’s unavoidable, like a babysitter that might need to reach you, simply let him know! He’ll be grateful to feel included and understand what’s going on.
The Key To True Connection
So there you have the 5 subtle red flags that can turn men off. Knowing these, you’ll be able to avoid the pitfalls that plague SO many women in today’s dating world. Allowing you to develop a deep connection without holding yourself back!
If you’re still nervous or worried about giving the wrong impression on that first date, I have a free gift for you! Check out my First Date Mindset Audio. It’s guaranteed to uplift your energy and get you in the perfect frame of mind to create a powerful first date!
Remember– The most important aspect of finding love is to stay true to yourself!
Now, I have a question for you, what red flags have you seen in a man that scared you away?
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