Being on the same page in a relationship is an essential part of growing trust. In this article, discover 8 of the common signs real women shared with me when they knew their men loved them.
How can you be sure he’s fallen in love with you?
You’ve been dating for a while, and you can’t help but daydream about a future together. You’re ready to take things to the next step, but how do you know if he feels the same?

Often, the ways he demonstrates his love is through subtle things that can be hard to read, especially if you don’t know what to look for.
So for this article, I asked my community to share the top things they’ve noticed their men do after they’ve said “I love you”. Learning these, you’ll be able to understand and spot the signs that demonstrate whether he’s on the same page as you, allowing you to relax and trust in a future together.
Let’s jump into it…
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He considers you when making plans
Consideration from someone else is a form of love. When your man loves you, he considers your feelings and opinions, especially when he’s making his own plans.
This might be a simple question like, “Hey, did you want to do something this weekend? I’ve been invited to spend some time with my buddies but I wanted to check with you first”. This shows that you are important to him and he wants to make you happy. 🙂
He’s going to ask if you’re up for a particular plan, if you feel comfortable with it, and if you want to join him. While it sounds like a simple thing, this is a powerful indicator that he loves you and wants you to be a bigger part of his life!
He sends you love songs or playlists to listen to
It’s not always easy to express how you feel, and that’s what’s so great about love songs! If he’s gone through the effort of finding songs to express how he feels, you know those feelings are deep.
Sometimes this might be a song he came across by chance that reminded him of you. Other times, he will purposefully go out of his way to find songs expressing how he feels. In both scenarios, it demonstrates that he’s thinking of you even when you’re not there, and wants you to feel appreciated.
He loses track of time when he’s with you
Time is relative. Everyone’s had the experience where a boring task seems to take forever! On the other hand, when you’re savoring moments with a loved one before they go on a long trip, an hour feels like five minutes!
To the man who’s deeply in love, it’s easy to lose track of time when he’s with you.
The world around him seems to fall away as his focus and attention becomes entirely immersed in you.
If you notice him saying things like, “Whoa look at how late it is! That’s flown by”, you can be certain that you have his full attention and focus. Clear indicators that he’s head over heels…
He writes love notes
Love letters aren’t as common as they used to be. But you still see love-notes come out when your man is so consumed with emotion for you that he just has to share it.
Sometimes it’s things he feels too embarrassed to say in person, or sometimes he just wants you to have something permanent that you can keep and remember.
It’s important to mention here that love letters aren’t common to every couple. Some men are writers and others aren’t, so don’t feel discouraged if your man doesn’t do this. It isn’t every man’s method of expression.
But if you do get love letters (or even texts) from him, know that he’s sharing something deep that he had to get off his chest!
He encourages you to live your best life
When you love someone, their happiness and fulfillment matters to you. The man who loves you doesn’t control you, but encourages you to pursue your passion and chase your dreams.
So if you notice that he wants the best for you and pushes you (in a healthy way) to achieve more… Know that he cares deeply about you and wants you to live to your full potential.
You might notice this if he encourages you to apply for that new job opportunity you saw, or he supports you in your fitness goals. When a relationship reaches this stage, it’s built on solid ground and is likely to flourish.
He Futurizes with You
Guys who feel invested will often play with imagined futures. You might find he jokes around and calls you his wife or the mother of his kids. Or he might say things like “Soon we’ll have a place of our own”, or “You’re going to absolutely spoil our kids!”.
Before my wife and I had kids, we’d be driving and she’d be goofing around saying something funny to the empty passenger seats in the back, pretending to have a conversation about me to our imaginary kids. I would joke along with her and look back and say “Your mom is being crazy right now!”.
And it’s these interactions that prove he’s comfortable thinking about those experiences with you and that his heart is in it for the long run!
He Follows You on Your Social Media
Sure this seems like a basic step when compared to the others. But whatever he’s interested in is where his attention will go. When a man is highly interested, he’s going to follow you, and engage in your posts. He will want to stay up to date with what you’re up to and he’ll want to admire how good you look!
And this doesn’t just stop at social media, you might notice your man takes a genuine interest in hobbies you share, artwork you’ve created or something you’ve written. He’s passionate about seeing every little bit of you and learning more about you.
He sees the two of you in the world around him
When someone is occupying your mind, you tend to see references of your relationship all around you.
You’ll know that you’re on his mind if he texts you memes that describe the two of you, or takes pictures of things related to you and sends them. It might be something he’s heard, a TV program he watched, or a location he knows you love.
When you love someone, these things naturally come up because you’re thinking about that person a lot of the time!
So there you have the 8 things a man does when he’s in love with you. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this list and now know what to look out for with your man!
And if you want to understand more about how his mind works, and what makes him feel a deep connection with you…
I encourage you to check out my free ebook on the 5 Feminine Qualities that Men Love. Inside, you’ll discover 5 qualities that will trigger the “desire response” in his brain, making him want to spend more time with you, get to know you on a deeper level, and build a lasting relationship.
Now, a question for you…
What signs have you noticed in your relationships when a man has expressed his love for you? Post below to help out the fellow women in our community!
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