Use the power of words to eliminate negative self-talk and call in the abundance of love
Have you ever wondered whether affirmations really work? The short answer is: they do! -Read on for the long answer :-).
Words of affirmation are far more than just repeating words over and over, as positive statements. The right affirmations, used the right way, are powerful tools that will literally rewire your brain. They contribute to changing your negative paradigms (the false beliefs that keep you from achieving your goals).
You can use the power of affirmations in any area of your life (including your personal relationships!) to design, and start living, the reality you really want.
Whether or not you’re a person who already believes in daily affirmations, you know that words have immense power. What you think about, consciously or unconsciously, carries a vibration. The words you use reinforce that frequency to perfectly match the life you have.

But what if you don’t have the life you want? What if you’re missing pieces you want, like a romantic partner, best friend, or soul mate?
If you don’t have the life you want, it helps when you look at the negative thoughts you think and the words you say!
It’s one of the hardest lessons to learn. Our subconscious mind is a powerful force that has a great deal to do with what we bring into our experience. We all attract things we don’t want at certain times in our lives. I know I have. Boy, have I! But I also learned how to change those patterns – and you can, too.
If you’ve thought about the Law of Attraction to manifest things like beautiful homes, better jobs and more money, you already know these principles work. But it’s not just about material possessions. Your love life is also a goal. I would say love and relationships are the MOST important area of your life.
Affirmations work just as well in your relationships as they do in every other aspect of your life. If you want a healthy relationship that brings you joy, the 31 affirmations I’m sharing today can help you get just that!
31 Affirmations for Real Love
There are different types of affirmations to bring love into your life. You might be single and looking for the best way to meet the right man. Or you might have met a great man but you still need to work on being open enough to give and receive unconditional love.
Many of my clients need to work on self-love first. When I work with my clients, I recommend that they prioritize self-love before looking outside of themselves for an ideal partner. The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to feel fully confident and in love with you. That gives you a sexy confidence, but it also makes you feel great about who you are. And that radiates outward!
Developing a perfect, healthy relationship isn’t a destination. You’re on a long road-trip here. It’s full of sights and sounds, twists and turns and unexpected detours.
With every relationship, it’s important to work to keep that spark of love alive. Work with your partner’s primary love language and make sure you understand your own. Don’t stop using affirmations just because you found your current relationship!
You’ll find they benefit your whole relationship. And the affirmations can change just like you do. As you reach one vision, set your new affirmations for the next.
I’ve broken these thirty-one affirmations into three categories:
- Affirmations for Self-Love
- Affirmations of Love to Attract the Right Man
- Affirmations of Love to Create a Strong Relationship
You’ll find some of the affirmations can be used no matter your relationship status. We’ll also talk about creating your own original affirmations below. But the ones I’m giving you here can help get you started.
1 — Affirmations for Self-Love
Everyone can benefit from more self-love! These affirmations can be used throughout your life. There are self-love affirmations that simply help you to claim your power and build your own confidence. Some focus on forgiving yourself and others. Some affirmations help you get over painful past relationships. But all of these focus on your right to love and be loved.
- I am worthy of receiving love and loving others.
- I am confident in who I am and I am free to express myself fully.
- My life expands in love and positive energy everyday.
- I believe in myself and I accept increasing amounts of good in my life.
- I love myself for all the mistakes I’ve made and I am grateful for who I have become.
- The love I have does not come from others, but rather, it comes from within me.
- Today I choose to live in a state of love.
- I forgive people from my past and I move forward with a free and open heart.
- The best version of me is my natural self.
- I have an adventurous spirit and I am full of positive energy.
A bonus affirmation and one you can benefit from, all throughout your life:
Love is my divine birthright and I claim it now!
2 — Affirmations of Love to Attract the Right Man
If you’re ready to work on attracting the right man into your life, these affirmations will raise your vibration to match the relationship you really want.
- The right person is on his way into my life.
- I am attracting my soul mate.
- I am attracting the most loving person in my life.
- I open my heart and trust that true love will follow.
- I am open to experiencing greater love in my life.
- Men enjoy talking to me and they are interested in who I really am.
- Men are naturally attracted to my radiant energy.
- My attitude is becoming more positive and attractive and men approach me everywhere I go.
- I confidently share my standards and boundaries with the men I’m dating.
- The partner I seek is also seeking me.
3 — Affirmations of Love to Create a Strong Relationship
Once you’ve found your ideal man, you’ve finished the race and don’t need to do anything else…
Does that sound right to you? Of course not!
Finding your man is exciting and awesome, right? But it’s not the end of the journey. In fact, it’s really the start of everything. Finding your love is exciting. Growing that love and maintaining it throughout the romantic relationship – that’s so much more amazing. You can strengthen your relationship with positive affirmations.
- Love is flowing to me and through me at all times.
- I feel connected to the power of love in my life.
- I am so thankful to have found my special someone.
- I am so grateful for the love I have in my life.
- I am safe and cherished in my loving relationship.
- My man brings out the best in me and I bring out the best in him.
- I love the life I am living with my man and am happy to build that bond stronger all the time.
- Today, I am connecting to the love of my life.
- My man and I are in perfect harmony in what we want and need and we love spending quality time together.
- My relationship is FUN! We laugh and have joy in our relationship. Other people feel happy just being around our positive example of love.
Do Affirmations Work for Harmonious Relationships?
Affirmations work in all stages of a great relationship. This works for every type of relationship – love, friendship, family, work colleagues, and acquaintances, to help you build stronger, more fulfilling bonds. This is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others.
When you change the words you use, you create what you really want in your life. If you want some proof of this, just notice your mood when you say certain things.
For instance, when people use self-deprecating humor, you’ll notice that it’s a low energy vibration. It’s also negative self-talk. You want to replace that type of language with positive self-talk. Even if you’re joking, the words still carry energy. While you might think it’s only humor, and you might feel it’s better than using sarcasm, saying things about yourself (and about others) even in jest carries weight.
Let’s talk about sarcasm for a moment, too.
A lot of loving people use sarcasm all the time and you’ll notice that they often have more life difficulties and less positive attitudes. Sarcasm is often insulting, even when it’s not direct. There is an air of cynicism in this form of “humor” (it’s not really funny).
I notice that my own energy is low sometimes, and we all have that occasionally. But you can increase your vibration consciously. You can bring in a higher energy. For instance, when I use puns and more upbeat, goofy humor, my mood is higher. That means my vibration is higher too.
You can take your own pulse on where your energy is with the words you use. Or you can pick one or two of the affirmations I’ve given you to try.
Don’t just say the affirmation and forget about it. Say them consecutively. Really put yourself in a mind space to believe the words you’re saying. And let me tell you a secret. If you use the affirmations regularly, they will work even if you don’t believe them.
They work better when you do believe them because the belief also enhances your mood and vibration. But you’ll find the words alone will make a difference quickly.
What Are Good Relationship Affirmations?
What is a “good affirmation”? It depends! A good affirmation for you will be the words that speak to what you want in your life the most.
You can create your own powerful love affirmations that are worded for your exact ideal dreams. When you write affirmations yourself, you can include intimate details about the life you want, your family, and your scenario.
That makes it really personal to you and may put you into a mind to visualize your affirmations clearly. Some people really enjoy using their own words and it makes the affirmation more powerful for them.
I invite you to be creative with this if that’s something you would enjoy! They are your affirmations. Create the relationship you dream of with your own unique and powerful words.
Some people don’t like making their own affirmations at all. They get nervous about using the right positive words, because words can get tricky. People use a lot of negative words and don’t even realize they are low vibration.
Luckily, there are plenty of already written affirmations that will fit your situation perfectly and make sure that there are no negative words to lower the vibration of your message.
Get Into Practice: 21 Days of Positive Love Affirmations
Get into the habit of making your words matter. Affirmations are more than positive words you say but don’t mean. They change the whole game when you commit to them.
And there’s that little known secret – they still work even if you’re not sure that they will.
You can test out your own affirmations whenever you’re ready. Set aside a time to make affirmations a part of your day. You can use the affirmations on the list above, or create your own positive affirmations that are totally unique to you.
Still unsure what kinds of affirmations will work for you? I’m giving you a head start on using affirmations of love to raise your vibration and self confidence!
My free eBook, 21 Day Love Affirmation Practice is the perfect resource.
Whether you’ve been using affirmations for years or are just beginning, I’ve got you covered.
The eBook contains more than 100 affirmations laid out to help you get in the habit. Why 21 days? Because that length of time will help you make affirmations a part of your daily life. And THESE affirmations are designed to help you increase your self-confidence, raise your feelings of worthiness, and put you in a mindframe to bring the love you deserve into your life.
Download it today and increase the love you bring into your life.
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