How do you make decisions that you’re at peace about, with 100% confidence you won’t regret it later down the road?
The pressure of making the right decision can lead to anxiety and the paralyzing fear of regret.
And while playing it safe sounds like the most logical, low-risk option, that path may actually leave you more unhappy and less fulfilled than you expect.
Today, I’m going to share a simple process on how to make important decisions with confidence. By the time you’re done reading this post, you will know exactly how to respond to the still, small voice in your head and act with clarity and certainty!
#1 Identify and Listen to Your Still, Small Voice to Mindfully Make Decisions That Are in Alignment With Your Highest Self
The most important decisions in your life usually occur at a crossroads.
Should I continue to see him/or not…
Should I go for what I love?
Should I change careers?
Because these major decisions can create an outcome that could change your entire life path, they’re often much harder to make!
One of the reasons these key decisions are so stressful is because they challenge our understanding of “normal” and require us to step out of our comfort zones.
And whenever we try to do this, our subconscious minds will try to convince us to avoid any action that involves even the slightest risk of failure!
It’s moments like these that your paradigms (aka your childhood programming) will do whatever it can to keep you from making a powerful decision — whisper worst-case scenarios, remind you of mistakes you made in the past, etc.
But there is one particular way of thinking that can leave you at peace when making decisions and put you on a path of expansion:
Knowing the difference between the voice of your paradigm and your still, small voice.
In the following example, I’ll share how listening to my own still, small voice taught me how to make important decisions in my career path and how a single question made each step easier to make.
How to Make Important Decisions Quickly and Effectively (In Your Career and Beyond)
I was a senior in college at the University of San Diego, about to graduate Pre-Med with honors, take my MCATs, and go to medical school.
But that entire senior year I could hear my still, small voice speaking to me, beckoning me to take a different path.
To become a teacher.
But I looked up how much teachers made, and it was nowhere close to a physician’s paycheck.
And I was thinking, I want to provide for my family. But I also want to help people — and doctors help people and make better money.
That was the more logical path for me.
But this is where I learned key #1 on how to make important decisions:
Don’t consult logic, consult the life within you!
It speaks to you with a still, small voice.
A mentor of mine says it like this: “Life is a whole lot easier when you allow yourself to be moved by the feather’s touch.”
You see, your still, small voice never shouts at you. Never pushes you in one direction or another.
You have to calm yourself to hear it.
So as I listened to that voice over and over again, I eventually decided to take a step in a new direction. I ordered the application to become a certified teacher from the University of Oregon.
And I remember sitting in this rickety desk that I built out of cinder blocks and plywood in my college dorm and staring at both applications — two major life decisions.
And I call up my mom and say “I’m at a crossroads. I know you sent me to this school and my goal was to become a doctor, but now I’m feeling like I wanna be a teacher.”
There was a long, silent pause on the phone.
Eventually she responded with “Mat, I’m going to give you the advice my father gave me when I was at an important decision-making moment in my life…
“Do what gives you life.”
You see, when you make a decision, you will feel which path gives you more life and which path gives you constriction (which is often the path that is most logical).
When you’re at a crossroads, travel down one road in your mind and notice how it feels.
And one of those two paths will give you more life.
When my Mom told me “Do what gives you life”, I knew immediately which path was more life-giving: teaching!
It didn’t make a whole lot of logical sense, but I followed my intuition, crumpled up my medical school application and signed up to become a teacher.
3 weeks later I’m at a spiritual pilgrimage in India with my Mom and a group of 40 other people. It’s a two week journey, and halfway through, the guide invites us to meet a yogi.
He explained that this spiritual master was going to read our auras and tell us what they mean.
The guide takes me, my Mom, and two other people to a back village in India until we get to the rooftop of a house with a spiraling, outdoor staircase.
And there was the yogi, dressed in white.
Immediately, I felt fear in my gut because I didn’t want him to tell me something that would make me doubt the decision I had made.
So I told everyone else to go ahead with their readings while I hung back.
As each person sat down in front of the yogi, they closed their eyes and let his hand touch their head.
The yogi described their multicolored auras and each person came back amazed at how accurate his readings were.
Eventually my Mom went and confirmed how extraordinary the experience was.
So I decided to finally sit down in front of the yogi, arms crossed, totally in resistance.
I watched him place his hand on top of my head and close his eyes, but I kept my eyes peeled, observing everything.
Then, he opened his eyes and said: “Young man, your aura is yellow. Pure yellow.”
And I remember looking at him sideways and wondering “And…?”
“Nothing, it’s just yellow,” he responded.
And I remember thinking…
Great! Already I regret my decision. I’ve got an aura deficiency because everyone else has multiple colors and I only have yellow!!
But I asked the yogi instead “Fine, what does yellow mean?”
He responded…
“Young man, yellow is the color of a teacher.”
As the lump in my throat formed and tears filled my eyes, I knew I was being called to my purpose.
It was the voice of my soul telling me to do what I was meant to do in this world.
And I replied back to the Yogi, “Well, it’s funny you say that because I just enrolled in graduate school to become a teacher.”
He shook my hand, pulled me in and said, “Good job. Way to listen.”
#2 Empower Yourself To Handle Uncertainty and Have Peace Of Mind By Knowing You Can Always Choose Again.
You, too, have a voice of spirit calling you forward to a life that you would love.
And it will never speak to you in fear, or “should’s” — it speaks to you through the energy of expansion. It speaks to you through your answers to the question “What would I love?”
A Course In Miracles says it this way:
“If you make a decision and then you’re not at peace, you must have decided wrongly. I must have decided wrongly because I am not at peace, but I can choose again.”
It’s that last line that I love, “I can choose again”!
No matter what decisions you’ve made in the past, you can choose again right now what you would love in all areas of your life — including health, relationships, vocation, and time & money freedom.
What matters most is that, regardless of what difficult decision you face, you remain focused on:
What choice will bring me life?
When you choose the answer to that question, you will never regret that decision.
Conclusion: Learn How to Make Important Decisions with Self Love
Learning how to make important decisions without regret is not about being perfect!
It’s about learning to trust yourself. It’s about empowering yourself, just a little bit more, with every decision you make, to act in alignment with your inner truth.
You won’t ever be perfect at this. Even the wisest and most conscious teachers I know still make mistakes!
Which is why I want to close this post today with a final lesson:
If you’re feeling stressed or frustrated with the pressure of making the “right decision”…
Come back to self-love!
This is a learning process. We all make mistakes.
But the more you love yourself, the more easily you’ll be able to make powerful decisions, learn the lessons from those decisions, and stride forward confidently toward the life and relationship of your dreams.
If you would love support in this, I invite you to download my FREE Self-Love Activation Kit!
Inside, I’ll share powerful affirmations that will activate your inner source of self-love, and help guide you along the right path to who you want to be and what you want to achieve.
That’s it for today! Let’s start making confident, big life decisions without regret — quicker and more effectively than ever before — together!
To your power of choice,
Mat Boggs
Great and timely article (can hear your Mom). Thanks
Thank you so much, Patricia. We are grateful for you!
Glad you made that decision. You are indeed a wonderful teacher.
We agree! Mat blesses so many with his teachings!