There are rarely-talked about qualities that great men find extremely attractive in a woman that go beyond the superficial.
And good men will notice these qualities when they’re looking for an epic love story, not a casual romance.
These surprising qualities good men find beautiful in a woman are magnetic and will help you attract a partner who will value those characteristics beyond their face value!
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So let’s take a look at 4 of them and how they help you create a lasting, strong relationship with a high-quality man.
#1 A Great Man Will Have Open Arms To An Open Heart
We all have hurt in our past, and each story, heartache, and failure can easily be used, brick-by-brick, to build a wall around our hearts.

This wall could be fortified with breakups, divorces, trust issues, or even something as tragic as the death of a loved one. And it can be a very difficult adjustment to even consider love again after such a life-changing experience.
It may even feel like a betrayal of a previous partner or even yourself to re-enter the dating scene.
But it takes an open mind and vulnerability to expand yourself and expand your capacity to give and receive love. And one of the most respected, enduring qualities a woman can have to attract a serious, healthy man is the courage to be vulnerable and grow past their adversity.
Related: What Do Men Find Attractive?
To demonstrate this, I share the following story from one of my clients who exemplifies how being open and vulnerable can lead to a strong and lasting relationship against all odds!
Kimberly’s Story: The Miracle Of Love
“Before my husband Mark died, he shared explicit instructions about how I should go on living without him. His terminal brain tumor diagnosis gave us a short window, but we talked about things like money, work, family obligations.
We took a deep dive into our consciousness and no topics were off limits.
‘Promise me you’ll date again,’ he said. ‘You need someone to take you out and to spoil you. You need some fun in your life. This is the biggest thing I want for you, please don’t close yourself off to love. Promise.’
‘I promise,’ I said half heartedly. One should tell a dying man whatever he wants to hear, but finding love again wasn’t even a blip on my radar.
Watching my husband take his last breath and enduring the horrific grief process that followed left no room for romantic thoughts. He knew this about me, he knew his death would leave a gaping hole in my heart and paralyze me. He knew I would make excuses.
‘You’re young and attractive,’ he had said. I was only 44. ‘You have too much to offer and you shouldn’t spend your whole life alone. Don’t stop living while you’re still alive.’
Two years after his death, the heartache and pain continued to overwhelm me. My anxiety reached an all time high and I didn’t know how to claw my way out of the grief abyss.
Yet somehow through the brutal winters and never ending tears, Mark’s words echoed, ‘Promise me you’ll date again. You need some fun in your life.’
I joked with my neighbor that she should introduce me to a doctor at the hospital where she worked…[but] she already knew someone else she wanted me to meet.
My heart stopped.
‘I’m just kidding,’ I said. ‘I’m not ready to date.’
After several days, my neighbor gently brought it up again. She really wanted to introduce me to her husband’s coworker. He’s a really good guy, really sweet, a class act.
I thought about Mark’s words, ‘You need someone to take you out and to spoil you.’ Should I just get first date after the death over with? I could bow out gracefully if things went south, I mean, I had a valid exit strategy in place with the debilitating grief and all.
Tom called to introduce himself and we talked for over an hour. He asked insightful questions about Mark’s death and didn’t change the subject during the darker moments. He seemed genuinely interested in learning everything about our family.
During our second date, I learned we were both born in Flint, Michigan. We were both fire signs. His ex-wife’s name is Kim too. We had so much in common that every other topic we talked about included me too and I feel the same way. The coincidences kept piling up.
Tom is a fantastic human. He is kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. He’s adorable, funny, and genuine. His kisses remind me I am still very much alive, which is something I kind of forgot over the past few years.
Tom asked me one day if I ever felt guilty about dating after Mark’s death. I said no, because Mark made it crystal clear that I shouldn’t feel guilty about enjoying life.
I honestly didn’t know if I’d ever find love again. Who was I to think I could have another shot at the kind of relationship that makes the soul sing?
But I heeded my dear husband’s advice and didn’t shut the door on love.
When people ask Tom and I, how we met, we tell them my neighbor introduced us, but I always like to add that we had some divine intervention assisting us too.”
Keep Your Door Open For Love
What I love about Kimberly’s story is that she had every reason to keep her heart closed. Losing someone that you love like that, going through the tremendous pain, the grief, she could have completely kept her heart closed.
And yet she decided to open herself up to love again.
She decided to take a leap of faith.
If you’ve been betrayed, broken up with, or you’ve lost somebody, it’s very easy to move through life with a shield.
You subconsciously guard yourself, keep yourself closed, and that prevents love from coming into your life.
You see, the thing that men find beautiful is the woman who’s been through it, and yet who has the courage to open herself up to love again…
Because no man wants an average love story.
#2 Great Men Are Attracted To Spiritual Beauty
Pop culture has shaped the idea of superficial beauty with unrealistic expectations and an eye for perfection.
And you may be wondering: but aren’t the poses, smooth skin, and hour-glass figures the standard of beauty that attracts good men?
The fact of the matter is, good men know that true beauty goes beyond the physical.
The Difference Between Attractive People And Beautiful People Is All About Perspective
On a superficial level, “attractive” is popularly understood as physical beauty or outer beauty and has influenced femininity for centuries.
But a great man won’t base your true beauty on whether or not you wear make-up or how attractive you are according to society’s standards.
True beauty is consistent and persistent in the face of life’s ugliest circumstances, situations, or conditions.
It’s an experience of beauty.
In other words, it’s about women who create beauty not only within themselves, but spiritual beauty in their surroundings, their failures, their achievements, and everything in between.
This quality of perspective is what men find beautiful and makes the difference between attractive people and beautiful people.
It’s a definition of beauty that has nothing to do with Western ideals or physical attractiveness, but how a woman chooses to experience and understand life.
For instance, a good man will prepare for the unexpected and rise to the challenge, but he’ll also want to know that the woman he’s with will be beside him for a lifetime, reminding him of the beauty which lies beyond whatever struggles they face.
This concept goes beyond what’s considered feminine or ideal, and is a treasured quality men find beautiful, especially with a long-term commitment in mind.
As Hellen Keller puts it, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched—they must be felt with the heart.”
#3 High-Quality Men Will Fall In Love With Your Growth Mindset
There’s a common but important dating question that lots of people ask:
“Where do you see yourself ‘x’ years from now?”
This is a great question to ask because it gauges your date’s relationship expectations and their direction in life.
So if they’re perfectly content with their lives, they may not have much planned for the future.
Similarly, if you are an ambitious woman who is constantly seeking professional and personal development, some men may not be able to keep pace with and support your aspirations.
And it’s not that contentment is a bad thing, but if you’re looking for a partner who’ll grow with you, they’ll also be on the lookout for your own plans and dreams (which great men find beautiful too).
A healthy partner who seeks to expand and grow as a person will want to be a harmonious match with your own ambition. Because as you work hard to bring your very best, they’ll want to be a part of it too.
And that quality of growth, expansion, and increase will be irresistibly attractive to a man who desires the same for his own life.
So decide what you want in a relationship and the guy you’re seeing will either step up or step out, so the right man can step in.
Related: Revealed: 5 Attitudes Men Love About Women
#4 Healthy Men Will Be Attracted To All The Qualities That Make You Exactly Who You Are
One of the most unexpected qualities men find beautiful is when you stop trying to be who you think he wants. Because anything other than the purest form of you, is a watered down version of yourself.
The wrong person will attempt to conform you and make you chase after his attention and commitment, but a real man will desire to give you those things because he’s genuinely attracted to you and loves you for who you are.
So when it comes to all your individual qualities — whether you’re quirky, dorky, picky, or everything in between — I encourage you to nurture your sense of self-love.
Because when you find every piece of you beautiful, you’ll magnetize a partner who will view you with the same love, kindness, and worth.
And if you choose authenticity over looking cool, you’ll win every time.
CONCLUSION: A Man Who Wants An Epic Love Story Will Naturally Fill Their Role In YOUR Love Story
The man that you’re attracting into your life, he wants an epic love story with you.
Because no man wants a mediocre relationship — he wants something amazing with you.
And if that resonates with you and stirs desire within your own heart, you likely have the qualities of beauty, growth, and open-heartedness that your dream partner is already looking for.
And so, when he sees that you are open, you are receptive, and you are available to that possibility in your life, you connect to that possibility in him and the two of you bond from there.
So if there’s one thing you take away from all of this, it’s that you deserve an epic romance!
But it requires that you move forward with an open heart and that you’re courageous enough to share yourself to let love in. And when you do that, your man’s going to recognize the special qualities in you and he’ll find it incredibly beautiful.
If you’d love to unlock even more of your feminine energy with the 5 qualities high-quality men find irresistible, I invite you to download my free ebook here!
Inside, you’ll discover the qualities that even the most successful women overlook when attracting their dream man, and you’ll learn the exact mindsets that naturally draw emotionally intelligent, open-hearted, and successful men into your life!
Get it here: The 5 Feminine Qualities High-Quality Men Find Irresistible!
To beauty, growth, and openness,
Mat Boggs
Just kind of curious how come you guys don’t do any advice for just men just saying
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