Men aren’t just attracted to the physical aspects of a woman — attraction goes far deeper than that! We’re going to discuss four unexpected qualities that men find super hot (some of these might not be what you would expect!)
Did you know there are 4 little-known qualities men have reported that turn them on like nothing else?
These are powerful tools to have in your toolbox, and some of them you might have never even heard of before (wait till you see number 3)!
Before we dive into this article on the 4 qualities men find super hot, if you’d prefer to watch and listen, I encourage you to check out the video version of this article below:
Still with me? Great, let’s dive right into the 4 qualities men find super hot…
Authentic confidence is a key character trait that distinguishes you from women who self-deprecate, and from women who come across as overly arrogant.
Instead of these, authentic self-confidence is all about having the right balance, owning your sexiness, feeling comfortable in your own skin, and being open and truthful.
Too much self-deprecation becomes self-criticism, and that’s a big turn-off for men because if you aren’t willing to own your sexiness, a man isn’t going to feel those feelings either!
The key here is to stop self-deprecating, own all that you’ve got, and embrace your natural beauty. But be sure to do this truthfully, because if you try to fake it, you run the risk of coming across as arrogant- another big turn off for men.
Authenticity is super hot because it allows him to see you for who you truly are.
Being authentic means demonstrating your fears, failures, and possibly even your embarrassments.
All those authentic feelings allow someone to connect with you on a deeper level because they show that you’re relatable as a human being.
Often, when we’re hoping to develop a connection with someone, we try to put on a facade that everything is great and nothing worries us.
Acting in this way actually prevents you from experiencing deep connections because it stops a man from getting to know your true self.
Receptivity (where do you need a man)
Receptivity means allowing yourself to release control of having to manage everything and letting your man serve you instead. This quality is super attractive because men need to feel needed, it’s how they’re hardwired!
If a man feels useless, he will flee from that situation in search of a life where he feels useful and necessary.
Receptivity alone is a quality that can completely transform your love life because it taps into the deep psychology of the male brain.
Many of my program clients who start to practice receptivity, feminine energy, and allowing men to deliver for them notice a sudden shift in their relationship and in their love lives as a whole.
If you would love to know more about receptivity and how you can flip a deep psychological trigger in your man, I encourage you to check out my Manifest Your Man program.
Inside, we cover all the ways you can make a man feel needed, and trigger his hardwired desire response to make him chase you and want you like never before.
To transform your love life, click here to discover the Manifest Your Man program
Passion for life
The fourth quality that men found super hot is passion. I’m not just talking about sexual passion here, but rather, a woman who is passionate about life itself… a woman who is tuned in and connected with the joy of being alive!
In order to feel passion for life, ask yourself “What is my mission, what am I passionate about?”
When you can discover what brings you joy, and demonstrate this passion to a potential partner, your emotions will stimulate the same feelings in him.
He will begin to feel the beauty, passion, depth of experience, and vibrancy of life. And he will attribute all those feelings to you because you are the woman who was able to open his eyes and bring him into that world!
So there you have the four unique qualities men find super hot. When you can demonstrate self-confidence, authenticity, receptivity, and passion, you’ll find him chasing you like never before!
If you’re looking for help with any of those 4 qualities, my Manifest Your Man program is one of the most comprehensive tools available to you. In it, you’ll learn a proven system, tried and tested by thousands of women all over the world, that’s guaranteed to flip a man’s attraction switches and make him want to build a deep connection with you.
It’s truly a support system like no other that will enable you to completely transform your love life before another year slips by.
Finally, before I go, I have a question for you: What do you find super hot about your man? Go ahead and post your answers in the comments section below.
I find his fixing stuff around the house super hot.
I find his fixing stuff around the house super hot.